
Friday, 4 December 2009

Rudd has trigger - but a March election unlikely

Posted to The Age on 4/12/2009 at 12:39 AM
Commenting on “Rudd has trigger - but a March election unlikely”

Climate change is a convenient term. It can mean global warming or global cooling, a real safe bet. Probe more deeply, ETS is not about climate change, it is about a slight smack on the bum those culprits who pour out more carbon dioxide and ask them make a "donation" to the poor box, get a fall guy to make good the sin.

By February 2010, the Copenhagen meeting is finished and done with for the time being, life goes on as normal, including Kevin Rudd's burning mid-night oil writing 2-broadsheet of "Life without glory - ETS demise".

To date, the Labor Federal Government has continuously pumped out uncosted programs and policies on the run; spent money as though there is no tomorrow. It could be true, too, for this may be one and only term for Kevin Rudd to run the country.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Rudd is facing a Great wall

Posted as SphericalThinker of Melbourne to The Australian on 11/8/2009 at 10:28 AM
Commenting on “Rudd is facing a Great wall"

Kevin Rudd is a "Jack of all trades, Master of none". His unexpected rise to the highest position in Australia makes him over confident and autocratic. He being a workaholic is nothing more than an affirmation that he neither knows how to delegate nor trust his fellow ministers and subordinates. Understanding Chinese language is not synonymous to understanding Chinese culture. Culture is more than textbook material; it requires many years of interaction with wide cross-section of people. Constant headline criticism of Chinese internal politics and external policies are not the right ways to build relationship. Publicity brings short term fame and satisfaction, but may cause irreparable damage to long-term friendship.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Unemployed? Try Funemployed

Posted to The Age on 17/7/2009 at 3:43 PM
Commenting on “Unemployed? Try Funemployed

Light at the end of the tunnel is an on-coming train! Many people retrenched in previous recessions did not find employment even after attending courses in TAFE to upgrade their qualification.

While time spent in renovating homes, with the family, or blogging may occupied time, be careful not to spend the redundancy package on having too much fun.

Employment drought can last for years even after economic recovery. Keep in mind that many more younger graduates come out of TAFEs and universities each year during this period, and they do have the latest qualification and know-how, and cheaper to employ.

Keep abreast with what's hot and what's not - a career / sea change can only happen if one is prepared. Blogging is fun, but is fairly unproductive. Younger managers always view older, more experienced job applicants as potential threats.

I may sound pessimistic, but I am just being realistic. I have multiple career paths, and now am enjoying my semi-retirement.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Description of blog title

National - The Age, Herald Sun, The Australians, Adelaide Now, Sydney Morning Herald, Daily Telegraph
International - The Telegraph, Daily Mail.

I have not been actively publicising this blog site and many other which I use as a platform to talk about different issues and exp ress my views. You can get to all these sites via