
Monday, 6 June 2011

Voters want election on carbon tax

Posted to Adelaide Now (6/6/2011) on 6/6/2011 at 10:23 AM
Commenting on "Voters want election on carbon tax as poll finds a majority expect to be worse off"

With or without carbon tax, just give us an election to get rid of the incompetent government. John Hewson, Bob Hawke and other "yesterday heroes" should back off the carbon tax debate.

Many economic rationalists and politicians are no more than armchair generals, and are out of touch with the hands-to-mouth real world.

Even if carbon tax does not affect significantly employment in the mining sector, the flow on effect IS damaging to other industries. An increase in cost in the mining sector will pass on to downstream and related industries, and the chain reaction is similar to an atomic explosion. Worse still, it turns into a feedback loop, increasing wages and other production costs in the industry which started the reaction.

The recent floods in various parts of Australia cost me more than 15% jump in my last month's house insurance premium renewal, making me an indirect victim of the floods. Similar situation will happen to innocent victims if the damaging carbon tax is introduced.