Posted to The Age (8/5/2012) on 8/5/2012 at 2:34 PM
Commenting on "Top of worry list: work, work, work"
It was just one of those hectic month-end years ago that the mainframe computer system chose such auspicious to go down. I was managing the computer department then. The phones were ringing, and users were asking for their hardcopy reports. I could not do anything to get the system up and running.
My MD saw me having my cup of coffee, looking very relaxed, and asked curiously why I looked so calm and showed no sign of being stressed.
I replied, "I can do a great job in designing software, managing my staff, getting the department running smoothly, but I can't perform miracles. I am not an engineer, and I have to leave it to the expert to fix the hardware before I can continue my work. There's no point in getting myself stressed over this"
Commenting on "Top of worry list: work, work, work"
It was just one of those hectic month-end years ago that the mainframe computer system chose such auspicious to go down. I was managing the computer department then. The phones were ringing, and users were asking for their hardcopy reports. I could not do anything to get the system up and running.
My MD saw me having my cup of coffee, looking very relaxed, and asked curiously why I looked so calm and showed no sign of being stressed.
I replied, "I can do a great job in designing software, managing my staff, getting the department running smoothly, but I can't perform miracles. I am not an engineer, and I have to leave it to the expert to fix the hardware before I can continue my work. There's no point in getting myself stressed over this"