
Thursday, 12 July 2012

Economy sheds 27,000 jobs

Posted to The Age (12/7/12) on 12/7/12 at 12:34 PM
Commenting on "Economy sheds 27,000 jobs"

Many casual workers especially students, who work for cash-in-hand, have never been reported and therefore have not been counted in the statistics. Many of these jobs are now gone, but have not reflected in the unemployment rate.

If a full time job for an employed person is now turned into a part-time / casual position but taken up by 2 persons, the total hours in now reduced to only 2 paid hours, this in fact nonsensically reduced the unemployed by 1. If this involves three part-timers / casual, the unemployed figure is reduced by 2, and so on.

A lot of older people are keen and looking for employment, but they are the neglected one. In addition, many unemployed are suffering from depression and medically unfit to seek employment.

For goodness sake, don't kid the innocent public with all these mumbo-jumbo crap. The whole statistical calculation must be revamped so that the real pain and suffering are reflected, otherwise realistic and humane policies cannot be made or formulated.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Turnbull's gay marriage swipe

Posted to The Age (7/7/2012) on 7/7/2012 at 3:34 AM
Commenting on “Turnbull's gay marriage swipe”

Custody matter is very messy for many divorce opposite-sex couples. After the parents have gone through those very ugly and nasty divorce processes, a lot of the children suffer immense psychological trauma. These are children born as a result of the union of their biological parents. Due to many factors, including holding strong views of uncompromising I’ism and love for materialistic ownership instead of relationship, couples start to drift apart. Unfortunately, the number of divorces is on the increase.

For gay couples, the so-called children are “created” or “conceived” in laboratory and later “implanted” by surgery. The “ownership” of children will always be an issue, either morally or legally. A child of a same sex couple not only has no less than two fathers or two mothers in physical sense, they may have additional father or mother who donates the sperm or egg. The child may also have an additional surrogate mother who carries the embryo. Assuming that statistics does not lie, more than 30% of same sex-couple marriage will end in divorce, and if so, all hell breaks loose when custody is decided upon.

At least one of the same-sex partners has no biological kinship with their “child”, and the parents’ divorce may cause the child’s identity turn upside down. The child may feel betrayed not only by their parents, but also by the society and all the professionals who allow such union and operations to proceed.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Scheme to shield fare evaders

Posted to The Age (5/7/2012) on 5/7/2012 at 11:46 AM
Commenting on "Scheme to shield fare evaders"

It does not make any business sense at all. Soon many bunnies will get no compensation at all, and it can be foreseen different kind of bunnies will be conned to sell the concept like the pyramid selling model. How is the scheme administered, and what will be the operationg cost to run it?

I dare those fare evaders to do the same when staying in a hotel, hiring a car or just eating at a local pizza joint.

Wake up, pay your fares or have the guts to run as candidates in election to give youself the chance to change the law.