Posted to The Age (5/12/2012) on 5/12/2012 at 10:30 AM
Commenting on "What young people fear most - and it's not the environment"
How many of the respondents are out of work with or without teenage children? If you have never been unemployed or struggled to survive from hands-to-mouth, you have no idea what you are talking about.
I have worked hard and actively participated in the workforce until a few months ago. I choose to wind down a bit. I had been young once. I went through past recessions starting from the 70's. No matter how tough those days were, I could find work. Indeed I worked three jobs, 7 days and 6 nights for months during University break, to keep me alive and save up for fees and expenses. For the rest of the time, I worked weekends. I rented a small store room in a share house near Melbourne University. Survival came before lifestyle.
Paul Keating created the smart dole queue, and in fact this will get longer each year. Lack of skilled tradespeople pushed up prices and wages, and this started a chain reaction. In the name of lowering labour costs, advanced developed nations handed over years of R&D, and trillions of dollars worth of blood-sweat-and-tears to China, making many Chinese very wealthy, and probably has the smartest workforce. Many factory workers work on hi-tech machinery and equipment, while we can only muck around with simulated diagrams on an iPad or computer.
For the concerned young people, your hands worth more than your brains and mouths! Don't despair, go to learn a trade instead of getting a worthless diploma!
Commenting on "What young people fear most - and it's not the environment"
How many of the respondents are out of work with or without teenage children? If you have never been unemployed or struggled to survive from hands-to-mouth, you have no idea what you are talking about.
I have worked hard and actively participated in the workforce until a few months ago. I choose to wind down a bit. I had been young once. I went through past recessions starting from the 70's. No matter how tough those days were, I could find work. Indeed I worked three jobs, 7 days and 6 nights for months during University break, to keep me alive and save up for fees and expenses. For the rest of the time, I worked weekends. I rented a small store room in a share house near Melbourne University. Survival came before lifestyle.
Paul Keating created the smart dole queue, and in fact this will get longer each year. Lack of skilled tradespeople pushed up prices and wages, and this started a chain reaction. In the name of lowering labour costs, advanced developed nations handed over years of R&D, and trillions of dollars worth of blood-sweat-and-tears to China, making many Chinese very wealthy, and probably has the smartest workforce. Many factory workers work on hi-tech machinery and equipment, while we can only muck around with simulated diagrams on an iPad or computer.
For the concerned young people, your hands worth more than your brains and mouths! Don't despair, go to learn a trade instead of getting a worthless diploma!