
Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The IQ mineral

Posted to The Age (2/7/2013) on 2/7/2013 at 10:58 AM
Commenting on "The IQ mineral"

What another load of nonsensical research! If the findings are dead correct, we should see geniuses being born in fishing villages everywhere around the world, or the Nobel Prize winner list should be dominated by the Japanese instead of European scientists born inland who are likely unfamiliar with Sushi, or don't eat much fish.

There are important facts we need to know about the Guinea pigs that take part in the experiments - their cultural background, body make up and educational level. The diets, nutrient absorption and knowledge influence on the babies will definitely affect the IQ of the children.

Every child is different. A more realistic way to prove this, but it is impossible to do so, is to test the same child twice, that is to get a child, after having its IQ tested, back to the mum's womb and try out a different diet with iodine or supplements. Years after birth, the child is tested for his IQ. That also presents a problem. The conditions of the mother, be it physical, financial, emotional, etc may have changed.

There are too many pressure-cook children, and helicopter parents. Just be sensible with the diets, and let the children enjoy their childhood without overly concerned about their IQ.