
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

State government plans overhaul to Melbourne public transport zones

Posted to The Age (26/3/2014) on 26/3/2014 at 3:22 PM
Commenting on "State government plans overhaul to Melbourne public transport zones, ticketing"

The scheme will cost more than $100 million, because there will be more unemployment or underemployment.

1. How much will it cost to modify Myki software to handle the change?

2. How many more trams or buses will be needed to carry the extra loads of people who choose to have free rides instead of short walk?

3. After the extra passengers alighted from the additional trams or buses, what is the expected spare capacity on these vehicles?

4. Will there be extensions or modifications made to the tram / bus stops in order to accommodate the extra waiting passengers?

5. If less people walk within the CBD, some shops will be bypassed, especially the new ones, and so will their business. Will impact study be done to ensure businesses are not adversely affected?