Posted to The Age (25/8/2020) on 27/8/2020 (not published by the newspaper)
Commenting on “'Australia Brutus to China's Caesar': Chinese embassy explains hurt”
Language used by the Morrison-Dutton-Payne clique towards China has been unfriendly and fairly aggressive; in fact, more like the language used by bullies asking for a fight.
Australia and its allies expect China to change from Communism to Democracy, or conform to their system. However, how would all these do-gooder countries react or respond if China tells them to change their political system to Communism? Very likely, Australia and the rest will ask China to go jump, and bugger off!
Australia Commonwealth government has problem getting the state governments to agree on issues such as border closure and reopening. How can it tell other sovereign countries how to run their affairs. Put it bluntly, stop telling China how to suck eggs?
Thank you for reading.