
Thursday, 16 December 2010

Girl's death prompts plea for car sensors

Posted to The Age (11/12/2010) on 16/12/2010 at 10:40 PM
Commenting on “Girl's death prompts plea for car sensors”

Why do parents let their toddler play in the driveway unsupervised? Not only a reversing car can knock it down, but also a deranged stranger can come along and take it away. In a less serious case, the toddler can pick up filth and dirt from the driveway and may become sick.

Many parents pass on their responsibilities to other people in the society at large to raise their children; if it is not the teachers at school not paying enough attention to their precious children, it is the government’s fault of not having police on patrol to deal with drug issues or hooliganism.

It is a good move to make wearing seat belt compulsory, even for the passengers; then came along the introduction of airbag for the driver. Unfortunately, from ridiculous to sublime that some cars have six to eight airbags for the front and sides. I have not heard reports about lives being saved because of the multiple airbag features.

Reversing camera / sensor is a good idea, but making it compulsory is unacceptable proposition. There are other more appropriate options, like what we used to teach children and adults that never walk behind a car, because we have to assume that the driver cannot see the rear properly. Alternatively, a driver can always sound his horn before reversing his car, or reverses his car when parking in the driveway.

If a driver does not take heed when he / she is tired or has too much to drink, which causes an eventual accident killing other innocent people, he / she should be charged for premeditated murder. We cannot be too reliant on technology, because over reliance creates complacence.

Life is far too precious and we must treasure every second of it.