
Monday, 11 April 2011

Plan for heroin users to self-treat overdoses with drug Narcan

Posted to Herald Sun (11/4/2011) on 11/4/2011 at 12:18 PM (Not published)
Commenting on “Plan for heroin users to self-treat overdoses with drug Narcan”

No means no! In the eyes of the law, whoever commits an illegal act, offence, crime, etc should be punished and pay for their actions. Some of these are societal bullies, scums, and free loaders. They keep blaming their upbringing background, people around them, the government, the society and even God for their wrong doing. Taxpayers' money should be spent on the betterment of the society, not for these who don't treasure their precious lives. All the do gooders should channel their energy to help those who are determined to help themselves - not by finding a soft way out of using substitutes. For those addicts, don't be babies, go get a life!