
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Literacy and numeracy education system flawed - Part 2

Posted to Adelaide Now (5/4/2011) on 5/4/2011 at 10:53 PM
Commenting on “Literacy and numeracy education system flawed”

The previous comment I posted is based on my many years of experience as a trainer (a word I dislike to use) in competency-based-training (CBT) in private colleges and TAFEs. There is a push to introduce CBT in primary and secondary schools. This will worsen the LLN problem.

LLN is fundamental and basic requirement upon which other knowledge and skills can be built on. CBT is good for task-based training, but makes the learners very much one-track mind. As an example of CBT, a sportsperson may excel in a particular sport he/she is trained and coached in, but nothing else.

CBT is also a cause for many mature-age workers being unemployed. While they may have years of solid background and know-how for a particular field of work, an employer or the employment agency prefers to seek out candidates, probably with little or no prior working experience but have specific skills, to fill the position for that particular instance. Resume can be fabricated so that a candidate has an advantage over other applicants, but when problem arise, all hell breaks loose.

LLN skills are not an option. They must be compulsory to job seekers, because of our stringent industrial and employment laws.