
Friday, 27 May 2011

Young mums get more job perks

Posted to Herald Sun (27/5/2011) on 27/5/2011 at 12:32 AM
Commenting on “Young mums get more job perks”

It seems that female office workers are more demanding that the blue-collar female workers. Just a word of warning, China is the factory of the world today, but with advancement of technology, borderless and virtual workplace will soon make China the office of the world. If labour cost continues to rise to cover additional benefits, who will be employing all these young mothers if they are asking for more and more? Does not this sound like the unionists' demand in the 60's to early 90's? Remember, besides Fair Work Act, there are other acts in place, such as Equal Opportunity Act (childless mother, men), OHS Act (breastfeeding, taking babies to workplace), etc.