
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Interest rates: will they or won't they rise

Posted to The Age (31/7/2011) on 31/7/2011 at 1:25 PM
Commenting on "Interest rates: will they or won't they rise?"

CPI index used to determine inflation rate is incorrect and deceptive. I even go to extent to condemn such impractical approach, whether it is based on standard or weighted index calculation, as unethical and immoral.

Under normal circumstances, without the influence of new taxes being imposed / introduced, adverse climatic and unforseen disastrous conditions, if supply and demand are played fairly in a market, increase in prices due to shortage is a legitimate parameter for the index calculation.

It is nonsensical to increase interest rate because the CPI index and hence the inflation rate shows an increase. The increase in prices for banana, tobacco, alcohol, utility charges, etc. is not due to demand driven. It is bad enough for the consumers to cop with price increases, but to rub salt to the wound to increase interest rate will lead to a new round of vicious whirlpool of increases in mortgage payment, wage, fares, property price, etc. Some of the items which are affected abnormally should be removed from the basket of items until normality is resumed. A weight factor (index) should be introduced and incorporated to items which are affected by new taxes.

If RBA is going to increase interest rate on Tuesday 2/8/2011, the wealth gap in Australia will widen, more small businesses will face closure and many families go further below poverty line. Many Australians are facing utility cut-off, and stress related illnesses are on the increase. For those who are still in the workforce, spare a thought for those who suffer through no fault of theirs. By the way, $16 million just to go to a particular person is an obscene amount. It is a lot of dough to feed many hungry Australians!