
Sunday, 24 July 2011

Australia is the 'dumbest continent' according to Indian call centres

Posted to Adelaide Now (24/7/2011) on 24/7/2011 at 11:02 AM
Commenting on "Australia is the 'dumbest continent' according to Indian call centres"

The call centre operators are just doing their job, just like you turning up to work in the employment prison called the office (if you are lucky enough to have one). I used to get upset by the calls, but later I realised that they were putting in genuine effort to make a living, much better than those who can work but don't want to and rely on welfare. Indians who work in call centres and speak English can operate computers, too. They are not dumb to believe in everything they were told, because they can get information from Internet and books to learn about the real Australia. Ignorant Australians who believe that Indians are gullible and racists should have a good look at themselves in the mirror. BTW, a dumb PM does not mean that all Australians are dumb! Undeniably, the Government did make many dumb policies and turned off the $18 billion international education tap last year. The negative flow on economic impact is immense and yet most Australians know little about this. Want to know more? Get the newspapers or TV stations to investigate this.