Posted to The Age (10/1/2012) on 9/1/2012 at 10:14 AM
Commenting on "Teach migrants about deodorant, queues: MP"
Hygiene is virtually a non-existing word in many people’s vocabulary these days.
Do you walk around in the house with the same pair of shoes that you use outside? Can you imagine how much filth has been brought in, possibly with disease carrying germs being deposited in the carpet? Worse still your toddler may crawl round on the carpeted floor in the house.
Do you wipe the seat or ground in the public place before sitting down with that clean pair of pants or dress? Whatever is on that garment is going to be transferred to the furniture or bed in the house.
So, you may be hygiene conscious and wash your hands after using the toilet; but do you realise that you turn on the tap using the dirty or contaminated hand and turn it off after washing the hand which is now supposedly clean? Furthermore, you turn the dirty door handle/knob when you get out of the wash room.
Do you kiss a friend on the cheek as a friendly gesture at a gathering or function? There is a good chance that one person who is not in the best of health has kissed on the same cheek during the occasion.
Above all these is that not many people change to clean clothing or have a complete wash down after a hospital visit, as germs can harbour in the clothing and body parts. Unfortunately doctors and nurses may be not as hygienic as one who has BO and does not use deodorant.
That's all folks for my hygiene lesson.
Commenting on "Teach migrants about deodorant, queues: MP"
Hygiene is virtually a non-existing word in many people’s vocabulary these days.
Do you walk around in the house with the same pair of shoes that you use outside? Can you imagine how much filth has been brought in, possibly with disease carrying germs being deposited in the carpet? Worse still your toddler may crawl round on the carpeted floor in the house.
Do you wipe the seat or ground in the public place before sitting down with that clean pair of pants or dress? Whatever is on that garment is going to be transferred to the furniture or bed in the house.
So, you may be hygiene conscious and wash your hands after using the toilet; but do you realise that you turn on the tap using the dirty or contaminated hand and turn it off after washing the hand which is now supposedly clean? Furthermore, you turn the dirty door handle/knob when you get out of the wash room.
Do you kiss a friend on the cheek as a friendly gesture at a gathering or function? There is a good chance that one person who is not in the best of health has kissed on the same cheek during the occasion.
Above all these is that not many people change to clean clothing or have a complete wash down after a hospital visit, as germs can harbour in the clothing and body parts. Unfortunately doctors and nurses may be not as hygienic as one who has BO and does not use deodorant.
That's all folks for my hygiene lesson.