
Friday, 13 January 2012

Counting eggs before they hatch (Part 4 of 4)

Posted to The Age (13/1/2011) on 13/1/2011 at 2:59 PM
Commenting on “Counting eggs before they hatch”

It is frightening to read more and more reports about companies sacking or retrenching staff. These reports do not only fuel public unease about job insecurity, but also national economic uncertainty. Many potential home buyers will defer their purchasing decisions, and investors will reassess whether their investing in properties could attract tenants if job opportunities dwindle.

The existing Labor government make mistakes after mistakes wasting good money on things that don’t create more employment. The Government introduce taxes which bring more hardship to businesses that need to compete with cheap imports and online market. The flow on effect creates more hardship to the defenceless – Australian public who have to face high utility costs.

Real estate industry is a very large industry (may be RP Data can supply some statistics on this), and it is not a static, stand-alone one. Including all the other related industries, they are the largest employers in any nation. The Government need to have a cold hard look on their policies and review how these can impact on the real estate industry.

End Part 4 of 4