
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Changing needs call for reinvention (Post 1 of 2)

Posted to The Age (21/2/2012) on 21/2/2012 at 2:13 PM
Commenting on “Changing needs call for reinvention”

Melbourne is not prone to volcanic and seismic activities, but it does from time to time experiences minor earth tremor, not big enough to bring tall buildings down yet. However, Christchurch, New Zealand should be a wakeup call for multi-storey building owners and developers to have a closer look at their existing buildings to ensure that they can withstand something more than a Mickey Mouse earth movement and safety measures are taken to minimise casualties in unfortunate circumstances.

Many people are buying waterfront apartments to have calming and picturesque view of the water. Unfortunately, many owners of the lower floors of these buildings soon realise that the views are arrogantly blocked by “two-finger” salute of another high rise built in front of theirs.

Rendering is a waste of money, especially near the open sea, unless it is done properly. No wonder the pool of money contributed by the owners for future maintenance is known as the “sinking fund”! The southerly winds are harsh on the surfaces, and if erratic rainfall pattern were to continue in the long haul, rendered surfaces will look dirty and tired very quickly!