Posted to The Age (9/2/2012) on 9/2/2012 at 12:14 PM
Commenting on "Four Corners has Labor sides on edge"
The strategy Liberal Party needs to adopt now is to "Conquer and Divide". Each Labor MP can serve only one master, either Julia Gillard or Kevin Rudd, and therefore, for each supporting group, the number of MPs is less than the total number of Liberal MPs working as a team.
If any Liberal MP is stupid enough to start infighting now, they should be sent to Christmas Island and never to be released! Liberal's infighting will cost the party missing the boat to win the next election, presumably an early one.
For the Liberal's leader, too much negativity can lead to voters' revolt. Prove to me why I should vote for the Party if I perceive the Party is nothing more than just a bunch of sour grapes, and cannot think of anything positive to say, such as how the Party can bring employment and prosperity back.
Unemployment and trade deficits are not just numbers. They represent jobs that bring home the bacon. They are the roots of many family breakup, depression, and other human sufferings.
Commenting on "Four Corners has Labor sides on edge"
The strategy Liberal Party needs to adopt now is to "Conquer and Divide". Each Labor MP can serve only one master, either Julia Gillard or Kevin Rudd, and therefore, for each supporting group, the number of MPs is less than the total number of Liberal MPs working as a team.
If any Liberal MP is stupid enough to start infighting now, they should be sent to Christmas Island and never to be released! Liberal's infighting will cost the party missing the boat to win the next election, presumably an early one.
For the Liberal's leader, too much negativity can lead to voters' revolt. Prove to me why I should vote for the Party if I perceive the Party is nothing more than just a bunch of sour grapes, and cannot think of anything positive to say, such as how the Party can bring employment and prosperity back.
Unemployment and trade deficits are not just numbers. They represent jobs that bring home the bacon. They are the roots of many family breakup, depression, and other human sufferings.