
Saturday, 4 July 2015

666;">Commenting on "

Posted to The Age (4/7/2015) on 4/7/2015 at 9:04 PM
Commenting on "Labor senator Penny Wong slams language around same-sex marriage"

What seems to be trivial today may become a reality tomorrow. Passing this bill on same-sex marriage sets a precedence for lobbyists campaigning for recognition of other forms of marriage in the name of marriage equality, e.g. polygamy and incest.

You probably know that a male Muslim can take in four to five wives, but a female Muslim cannot have more than one husband. If the law were to allow same-sex marriage, it is likely that the Muslim community will lobby to recognise the Islamic laws that permit polygamy. That will have a flow-on effect to the non-Muslims, once again in the name of equality.

Incest can have genetic repercussion. Royal families have intermarriage within the same royal blood line so that power remain in the hands of these privileged few. Incest also occurred and recorded in the Bible, in cases where those concerned did not want a family tree to be terminated abruptly due to the absence of male offspring within the family. These examples will be used by the believers and non-believers to justify to have sexual relationship with own family members instead of going for adoption, IVF or surrogacy.