
Monday, 28 March 2011

Julia Gillard says carbon tax not to blame in NSW Labor's election loss

Posted to Herald Sun (28/3/2011) on 28/3/2011 at 2:18 PM
Commenting on "Julia Gillard says carbon tax not to blame in NSW Labor's election loss"

Julia Gillard’s success or failure does not depend on working with Premiers or Chief Ministers – GG, Governors, Prime Minister, Chief Ministers, Premiers, Governors, Ministers and MP’s are public servants, and they have to work for and work with the Australian PUBLIC!

Julia Gillard says carbon tax not to blame in NSW Labor's election loss

Posted to Herald Sun (28/3/2011) on 28/3/2011 at 2:04 PM
Commenting on "Julia Gillard says carbon tax not to blame in NSW Labor's election loss"

Mike Baird warned Kristina Keneally and Eric Roozendaal in December, "proceed with this fire-sale of the electricity assets and you are betraying every taxpayer in NSW". The price to pay for betrayal – loss of election!

Julia Gillard says carbon tax not to blame in NSW Labor's election loss

Posted to Herald Sun (28/3/2011) on 28/3/2011 at 2:00 PM
Commenting on "Julia Gillard says carbon tax not to blame in NSW Labor's election loss"

Julia Gillard, carbon tax is not to blame in NSW Labor's election loss, you are!

Friday, 25 March 2011

Myki dilemma - now it's working

Posted to Hearld Sun (25/3/2012) on 25/3/2011 at 1:31 AM
Commenting on “Myki dilemma - now it's working”

Desalination plant and Myki ticketing system are two well known debacles. Don't think that's the end.

Problems related to hospitals are bigger than Ben Hur! Olivia Newton-John has lost a Victorian government guarantee for funding of her new cancer and welfare centre at Austin Hospital, Royal Children Hospital requires $24 million for software, some new hospitals consist of buildings with walls but without beds, some with beds but without kitchen!

Labor made a mess; can Liberal do better or just another lot of NATO members – No Action Talk Only?

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Millions go missing from Australia's overseas aid program

Posted to Adelaide Now (24/3/2011) on 24/3/2011 at 8:42 AM
Commenting on “Millions go missing from Australia's overseas aid program”

AusAID Director-General Peter Baxter, will you accept errors made to your own bank account, and brush it off to say that it was just a percentage or so compared with last period? If your answer is no, then don't ever again be so contemptuous to allow the hard earned money of good Australian public to go astray!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Singles, lesbians in IVF stampede

Posted to Herald Sun (18/3/2011) on 18/3/2011 at 2:19 AM
Commenting on “Singles, lesbians in IVF stampede”

These are very cruel people who deprive their IVF children the status to be normal members of human race. I can't imagine how these children will respond in a biology class when fertilisation and propagation are explained, or when they do genealogical searches.

I can’t wait for the time to witness these children, when they grow up, taking legal actions against these selfish people for abusing medical science for their own satisfaction. This will be the day when “smiles” are wiped off from those inhumane faces.

Unfortunately, this is another case of stupid government’s mismanagement of taxpayers’ money leading to opening a floodgate of non-essential service rebates, which could be better spent on our very “sick” healthcare system.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Dumped Target 155 Water Scheme was Working

Posted to The Age on (3/3/2011) 3/3/2011 at 12:01 PM
Commenting on “Dumped Target 155 Water Scheme was Working”

Liberal Government definitely made the wrong decision in ditching the Target 155 campaign, with so much fanfare and publicity. In business and in life, we set targets and goals not that we will achieve them definitely, but they are something to aim for, to better ourselves in many aspects of performance.

Whether or not it was introduced by the former Labor government or anyone, Target 155 "was" a fantastic idea. Saving water should not be viewed as a policy; it should be a way of life. The best part of Target 155 was that no additional tax was imposed on people using water above the target - in fact, Target 155 was a psychological barrier. As a result, the public made conscious and unconscious decisions to conserve this valuable "resource".

By axing the campaign, or more correctly removing this magical target, many will revert back to bad habit using more water, causing increase in household spending, which can either increase household debt, or cannibalise spending on other services. In the worst case, both evils can take place

Target 155 should be synonymous to Keep Australia Beautiful, Cleanup Australia, Planet Ark, Greening Australia, Earth Hour, etc. The program should be expanded instead of being axed.

Carbon tax slug double whammy

Posted to Herald Sun (3/3/2011) on 3/3/2011 at 1:36 AM
Commenting on “Carbon tax slug double whammy”

Labor Government, led by Julia Gillard MUST BE sacked, the soon the better, for its incompetence in governing Australia. The many Labor's political blunders costing Australia billions of dollars could be used to provide more equitable funding to hospital, education and social services.

Julia Gillard came to power by lying about NO carbon tax, and now she plagiarises Rudd's carbon policy and claims it her own. She should resign like the German minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg who did so after admitting that he plagiarised his PhD dissertation.

How many people realise that having Smart meters is not a very smart move for employment? Usages recorded by Smart meters can be read remotely, which means meter readers will be made redundant.

Can we trust her to spend the carbon tax money for the right reason, or just for her indulgence in funding projects to buy votes? If she could so mercilessly back-stab Kevin Rudd, who else can't she back-stab to cement herself to the throne of Prime Ministership?

PM Julia Gillard under attack over carbon copy

Posted to The Australian on 3/3/2011 at 1:21 AM

Labor Government, led by Julia Gillard MUST BE sacked, the soon the better, for its incompetence in governing Australia. The many Labor's political blunders costing Australia billions of dollars could be used to provide more equitable funding to hospital, education and social services.

Julia Gillard came to power by lying about NO carbon tax, and now she plagiarises Rudd's carbon policy and claims it her own. She should resign like the German minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg who did so after admitting that he plagiarised his PhD dissertation.

How many people realise that having Smart meters is not a very smart move for employment? Usages recorded by Smart meters can be read remotely, which means meter readers will be made redundant.

Can we trust her to spend the carbon tax money for the right reason, or just for her indulgence in funding projects to buy votes? If she could so mercilessly back-stab Kevin Rudd, who else can't she back-stab to cement herself to the throne of Prime Ministership?