
Friday, 14 October 2011

Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd embrace after House of Representatives passes carbon tax

Posted to Adelaide Now (14/10/2011) on 14/10/2011 at 2:18 AM
Commenting on “Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd embrace after House of Representatives passes carbon tax”

Without the rest of the goons voting alongside with Juliar Galah, the carbon tax bill would never have been passed. It was a collective idiotic decision made by the PM & all the MPs in the Labor Party, the Greens and the Independents. This is only in the Lower House; those in the Upper House supported the bill were just as gutless.

What is happening in Europe is a good example about being over complacent; Australia will suffer if the Labor Government continues to spend beyond our means and sucks up to the Greens.

Superior but expensive products do not bring home the bacon in this competitive and fast moving world. Carbon tax adds additional cost but not value to the end product or service.

Keep up the momentum now, and make sure none of these faces appear in the Parliament again after the next election. We must not spare anyone, the Greens & the Independents, who do not listen to the public outcry.

All former loyal Labor supporters, vote with your heart & conscience in the next election, because you have the responsibility & obligation to ensure Australian economy remains strong. Your & next generations' employment depends on how affordable our products are in the world market!