
Friday, 14 October 2011

Things could get bloody if Abbott abandoned carbon oath

Posted to The Age (14/10/2011) on 14/10/2011 at 2:33 PM
Commenting on “Things could get bloody if Abbott abandoned carbon oath”

If there is no carbon tax, there won't be any extra work for rebates or financial assistance, which means no additional bungle, new departments and fat cats, less government spending on stationary, furniture, ombudsman, just plain boring.

With carbon tax, there will be more discussions and complaints on radio, ABC 7.30 Report or QandA, newspapers, letters to newspaper editors; cost more to produce goods and services, less competitive, less export income, less jobs, less disposal income, less overall tax revenue, less funds for services, less affordable to live in Australia, but we may lead the next global financial crisis!

This is not a good way to show the world that we are the leading twits!