
Monday, 10 October 2011

Tram conductors could return under new trial plan

Posted to Herald Sun (10/10/2011) on 10/10/2011 at 2:45 PM
Commenting on “Tram conductors could return under new trial plan”

Only fools did not realise the importance of tram conductors. Tram travel is a service industry, and without tram conductors, there is no service provision for the needy - very young, frail, pregnant and physically "disabled" passengers. Conductors are more than just ticket sellers; they also function as crowd controllers, rule (not law) enforcers, and safety officers. Efficiency of an operation cannot depend on just expense minimisation. Healthy bottom line benefits CEO on bonuses, but creates misery to those who have lost their employment. Please bring conductors back, the sooner the better!