Posted to Herald Sun (3/11/2011) on 2/11/2011 at 9:30 PM
Commenting on "Superheroes wheeled out on a plate"
When will Australians learn to be themselves as Australians, creating their own culture instead of following the Americans like puppy dogs? It is absolutely disgraceful and sad to have lost many Australian iconic brand names and products; now we have to stare at and follow literally those fictitious American iconic heroes when driving behind the wheels. Grow up Australia, time to have self-respect and dignity, time to have some real Australian heroes instead of imaginary ones.
Commenting on "Superheroes wheeled out on a plate"
When will Australians learn to be themselves as Australians, creating their own culture instead of following the Americans like puppy dogs? It is absolutely disgraceful and sad to have lost many Australian iconic brand names and products; now we have to stare at and follow literally those fictitious American iconic heroes when driving behind the wheels. Grow up Australia, time to have self-respect and dignity, time to have some real Australian heroes instead of imaginary ones.