
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Texting and walking a health hazard?

Posted to SMH (28/1/2014) on 28/1/2014 on 2:00 PM
Commenting on "Texting and walking a health hazard?"

Manner seems like belonging to the by-gone era. The modern four-letter word is "rude".

Many people still believe that they can multitask and achieve best outcome. The fact is they can't, and many researches have proved that it is a myth. People talk while their mouth is full, text while they walk, talk on mobile phone while they drive, and "sleep" while they work!

Concentrate, your life and health could be at stake. If you ever have an accident because of your foolish act, don't affect other people and ruin their lives!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Hogan hero: why this is our best tourism ad ever 2

Posted to The Age (21/1/2014) on 21/1/2014 at 11:43AM
Commenting on "Hogan hero: why this is our best tourism ad ever"

What proportion of the tourists come for a swim or dive? How many will spend many days of their hard earned money enjoying in the beach sun bathing?

Most of the ads feature sexy females, but many that can afford spending are couples not just single men. Many ads drag on for too long on single subject, and does not show case what the other attractions are. Tourists are very discriminatory when they make their decisions.

Travelling is a social event for most tourists, and therefore Hogan's ad has that secret ingredient which portrays the friendly and carefree nature of Australians, rightly or wrongly. When tourists go overseas, they like to learn a few local words and slangs. Something they can bring home without costing a cent and make them centre of attention at a party. Hogan ad achieves that, too.

Fluffy animals, kangaroos, colourful flowers including acres of wild flowers, illuminated caves, unique rocks, unusual architecture, atmosphere of busy restaurants, gold mining past, fireworks at or bridge climb on Sydney Harbour Bridge, interesting and usual big sculptures such as big guitar, big crayfish, big koala, big banana, bid watermelon, etc not found in other countries are great for photo sessions.

I enjoy "reading" travel brochures, books, travel blogs and web sites of places of interest. I am a indeed a keen traveller, and an ad junkie.

Hogan hero: why this is our best tourism ad ever

Posted to The Age (21/1/2014) on 21/1/2014 at 02:48AM
Commenting on "Hogan hero: why this is our best tourism ad ever"

The correct poster with Chinese writing should be the mirror image of the one published. It is not unexpected if no Chinese ever enquires coming to Australia after looking at the poster. Whoever did that should be sacked for his/her ignorance, incompetence, waste of Australian taxpayers' money, and insult the intelligence of all Australians. How can this happen?

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

A downgrade for Qantas, a lesson for Australia's economy

Posted to The Age (14/1/2014) on 14/1/2014 at 1:29 PM
Commenting on "A downgrade for Qantas, a lesson for Australia's economy"

Money is money and smells the same whether it is private equity or normal shareholders, because money is dead. However, management is alive, or may be some in the management are living zombies.

Time and again, people at top management have been overpaid. They achieve a better bottom line the wrong way. They lack vision and foresight, and live in a cocoon. They wears blinkers and congratulate themselves, not because of their strengths that win the day, but their competitors' weaknesses that lead to the competitors' demise.

I believe the Qantas management, from the top to the lower ends are very blind and deaf. They do not look at and listen to the public's voices how other top airline's are providing services. Air stewards and hostesses work in a service industry, and yet basic manners and body language are just lacking.

It does not cost much to improve quality of food, because another two or three extra passengers on the plane will cover the additional cost for each meal. It is not unlike patients in hospital, passengers don't move about and have nothing much to do in a plane. Food is something that they will talk about to their friends, unless there is something more disastrous happens on the plane.

Calls to Quitline soar after plain packaging laws

Posted to The Age (14/1/2014) on 14/1/2014 at 2:38 PM
Commenting on "Calls to Quitline soar after plain packaging laws"

Why stop at the cigarette packaging? When will graphic images be stuck on alcoholic drink bottles? Should graphic images of the effect of gambling be displayed at RSL, clubs and Casino, too?

Baby boomers continue to squeeze out first-timers

Posted to The Age (14/1/2014) on 14/1/2014 at 2:25 PM
Commenting on "Baby boomers continue to squeeze out first-timers"

Investors in property or stock market have one and one thing in mind - how to get maximum return for their investments.

With a bundle of cash, and very low bank interest for deposit and no capital growth, even a primary student will understand that it is better to invest in something which might achieve either one or both growth criteria.

There are property investment gurus around giving advice on wealth creation. Some gurus have very doggy past, and a number will ask the audience to sign up at the end of their seminars to invest in development somewhere close to the universe boundary.

Many dreams turn to nightmare where their investment properties become vacant. Investing when the property market is hot spells doom for many, because when the market cools, the net capital gain is no better than having money dashed under the pillow.

Do first time home buyers just want a shelter? Unfortunately, many have high expectations of staying close to workplace, train station, bus stop, school, church, supermarket, etc. They can't sacrifice their sleep, the cafés or their previous fun life-style.

Life is a compromise, and we cannot have the cake and eat it too. Although one has to live for today, because no one knows what tomorrow will bring, one has to realise that the average life span is around 75. Few years of waking up early to get to work, toiling in the garden to landscape it or grow vegetable supplies, learn to cook and stay home for dinner, watch DVD instead of sitting in a cinema, etc will definitely make the difference to the mortgage repayment.

The day will come - it is indescribable joy when the bank manager rings to inform that the title is fully discharged.