
Friday, 13 December 2013

Gisele Bundchen shares photo of herself being pampered while breastfeeding

Posted to Essential Baby (12/12/2013) on 13/12/2013 at 4:07 am
Commenting on "The model life: Gisele Bundchen shares photo of herself being pampered while breastfeeding"

It is very irresponsible to subject the baby to breathe in the chemical fume of the nail polish and eye-lashes cosmetics. She is not genuinely paying attention while breast feeding. A real bondage comes from the inner self, and such casual inattentive behaviour portrays insincerity.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Spot the difference between a reborn contrite Kev and Team Tony

Posted to The age (5/8/2013) on 5/8/2013 at 11:06 AM
Commenting on "Spot the difference between a reborn contrite Kev and Team Tony"

No thanks. I don't want to know about the devil or vote for any devil at all who ruined the country through incompetent and inapt government. Some people may say, "A bad policy is better than none", but Labor has far too many ill conceived and ill managed policies-on-the-run.

Kevin Rudd has a heart of coal and weak tear ducts. His "burning" desire to return to his throne after his ungraceful removal by his colleagues was never far away. Again and again, he sheds his crocodile tears begging for forgiveness even for things that he did not do. There is nothing fair dinkum about his tears.

Winning the hearts of the people of Australia is more than just showing a shaving cut on YouTube or knowing how to fiddle with the buttons or keyboard Twitting. Prime ministership is a dignified position, and the office must be filled by the rightful person who shows respect to the position - definitely not by a clown.

Can anyone trust the team of "drunken sailors" who has no concept of numeracy and economy, and turn a $18 billion blackhole into $30 billion in three months? If they can't make a short term forecast, what hope do the people of Australia have in returning to budget surplus of $4 billion in 2016/2017 as promised?

Sunday, 28 July 2013

PM on bandwagon to tune of $560,000

Posted to The Age (28/7/2013) on 28/7/2013 at 12:00 PM
Commenting on "PM on bandwagon to tune of $560,000"

It is not Kevin Rudd's money. The money comes from the taxpayers' pockets. If you are a taxpayer, then you also contribute towards it.

Don't forget that the taxes are used for many other things which need critical attention. Kevin Rudd has been splashing around and wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money since he rose from his death throne. Kevin Rudd has been on television advertisement promoting not for the good of Australia but his own image hoping to win some more brownie points.

Where is Kevin Rudd going to pay for all his promises? The bigger the financial blackhole he creates, the deeper the taxpayers have to dig into the hip pockets. Kevin Rudd is not a money tree grower, and even if there is a money tree around, his s*** promise cannot make it grow.

All the disguises in promoting the government's programs and achievement including jetsetting to various parts of Australia, appearance on television, comedy on YouTube are not giving us, the ordinary Australians, a Fair Go to help build a better and more prosperous Australia. Kevin Rudd is a joke, a clown and the emperor in his new clothes.

Grow up, Kevin. You are not Peter Pan!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Carbon tax inflation fears evaporate

Posted to The Age (24/7/2013) on 24/7/2013 at 6:26 PM
Comment on "Carbon tax inflation fears evaporate"

The sky has not fallen, but many roofs will and people will not have roofs over their heads. The set of data represents The Beauty and The Beast. This may lead to another rate cut during the next RBA meeting, but the carbon tax definitely causes the rise in prices for essential utilities not only affecting ordinary consumers, but also industries employing the workforce of Australia.

With rising running costs, Australian produced products will be less price competitive in the world market, and therefore less export to other countries and more imports from countries which can supply cheaper alternatives. To balance the companies' books, wages will have to be reduced, leading to staff cut and creating higher unemployment.

Tony Abbott was a bit over enthusiastic to predict the Armageddon too soon, but the carbon tax, speaking realistically, will bring much misery to those who do not have backup reserves to live on.

Right has twigged that Abbott may be on shaky ground

Posted to The Age (24/7/2913) on 24/7/2013 at 2:25 PM
Commenting on "Right has twigged that Abbott may be on shaky ground"

Only if Tony Abbott was more specific with his policies, he could still win brownie points even Julia Gillard or Kevin Rudd copied his ideas, because he originated them. Undoubtedly, anyone can copy an idea which has not been copyrighted.

The asylum seekers or boat people problems cannot be solved by transferring them to another island. The only way is to stop them from leaving the source. If they have entered the Australian water, they need to be expelled by whatever means possible. Asylum seekers, by boat or plane without a legal visa should not be granted asylum.

For those who have reached the shore on whatever designated place, not only they have to be detained in isolation, but also work for their livelihood. There is a twist here though. They have to learn to improve the living condition using their skills such as maintaining the dwelling and surrounding, growing food, teaching, sewing, security, etc.

These detained people are not animals in a zoo. Many have talents that can be tapped, while others have strengths to work on the land or construction. Locking them up is purposeless and waste of taxpayers' money. They will eventually become inapt physically and mentally. When the scale is tipped over like the recent event, they lashed out and revealed their destructive behaviour causing untold cost to property and morale.

In regards to creating employment, no one has ever identify what specific areas or industries can offer employment the willing workers. Paper qualification, encouraged by Paul Keating, helps create the smart dough queue. What most people fail to realise is that Australia do not have the many high end industries to absorb all the university graduates. In the meantime, ordinary Australians keep paying high price to tradespeople, and worse still, the unqualified fly-by-nighters to build houses or fix up problems around the house.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Don't let political opportunism hide an idea that may work

Posted toThe Age (23/7/2013) on 23/9/2013 at 10:29 AM
Commenting on "Don't let political opportunism hide an idea that may work"

Another policy on the run by Labor. This is a band aid approach by Kevin Rudd, trying to clear the deck for an early election. This is no difference from having the asylum seekers kept in Malaysia, passing buck to another neighbour to do the dirty job, except that PNG is a UN signatory.

Ethically and morally this is very wrong to hand the boat people to PNG's hell hole where women and children will be abused in greater number and frequency. I can bet my bottom dollar that Kevin Rudd will shed his crocodile tears saying "sorry" again, meaninglessly. I want to state this very clearly that it will be over my dead body to to allow him to say "sorry on behalf of the people of Australia" because he is the one and only culprit, and his action causes it.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Rudd set to call August 31 election date: Queensland MPs

Posted to Brisbane Times (22/7/2013) on 22/7/2013 at 12:23 AM
Commenting on "Rudd set to call August 31 election date: Queensland MPs"

On 15 July 2013, I wrote in my Facebook Timeline the following:

"You hear from me first

Don't trust this clown. I predict that he will call an early election on 31/8/2013."

Rudd set to call August 31 election date: Queensland MPs

Posted to Brisbane Times (22/7/2013) on 22/7/2013 at 2:20 PM
Commenting on "Rudd set to call August 31 election date: Queensland MPs"

Kevin Rudd has to hit it while it is still hot now, or else his popularity will wane. Many Labor voters will give him that sympathy vote he deserves supposedly. Going to election just 1 week earlier is not a goer, for it does not gain much mileage to win.

Predicting the outcome of Power Ball or Tattslotto is unlike to be accurate due to the randomness. Manmade decision can be predicted to great extent, because human’s thinking is about "What’s in it for me".

Without knowing the candidates mix and who the new comers are, the prediction of election result is a bit uncertain. However, if all things being equal, I predict that there will be another hung parliament.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Numbers don't lie, PNG solution flawed

Posted toThe Age (19/7/2013) on 19/9/2013 at 10:24 PM
Commenting on "Numbers don't lie, PNG solution flawed"

Another policy on the run by Labor. This is a band aid approach by Kevin Rudd, trying to clear the deck for an early election. This is no difference from having the asylum seekers kept in Malaysia, passing buck to another neighbour to do the dirty job, except that PNG is a UN signatory.

Ethically and morally this is very wrong to hand the boat people to PNG's hell hole where women and children will be abused in greater number and frequency. I can bet my bottom dollar that Kevin Rudd will shed his crocodile tears saying "sorry" again, meaninglessly. I want to state this very clearly that it will be over my dead body to to allow him to say "sorry on behalf of the people of Australia" because he is the one and only culprit, and his action causes it.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Carbon tax decision puts voters wallets before the environment

Posted to The Age (16/7/2013) on 16/7/2013 at 3:37 PM
Commenting on "Carbon tax decision puts voters wallets before the environment"

ETS is unethical and no better than gangsterism. It is absurd that countries with money to throw around basically killing the planet Earth and getting someone to do time on their behalf.

Wealthier countries will die of their own pollution while the poorer ones enjoy cleaner environment.

Lowest cost could boost emission cuts

Posted to The Age (16/7/2013) on 16/7/2013 at 1:23 PM
Commenting on "Lowest cost could boost emission cuts"

Global warming is inevitable, because the excess heat from the sun is not utilised each day. Since about 75% of the earth surface is occupied by oceans, only idiots cannot accept the fact that the heat will warm up the water gradually, even without any human intervention.

Concession to competitors that supply alternative renewable energy, NOT carbon tax will bring carbon emission down.

Research grants should be given to work on genetically modified plants or trees which have large photosynthesis rate, that is, absorbs more carbon dioxide and returns more oxygen back to the atmosphere.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Ex-presenter could receive huge payout

Posted to The Age (11/7/2013) on 11/7/2013 at 9:59 AM
Commenting on "Ex-presenter could receive huge payout"

Is this for real or another prank?

Not only an employer has to provide a safe workplace, but also an employee needs to take responsibility to ensure the workplace is safe.

If any worker who knows beforehand that "Austereo's rap sheet really includes tricking listeners into believing a popular presenter had died, a stunt police claim encouraged dangerous driving and the notorious lie detector scandal" and yet accepts and carries out those duties happily without any question, then there is something abnormal in human cerebral development in the evolution process.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Royal prank DJ Mel Greig takes action against employer

Posted to The Age (10/7/2013) on 10/7/2013 at 5:37 PM
Commenting on "Royal prank DJ Mel Greig takes action against employer"

Was the content of the prank call scripted? If not, how could anyone including the management vet it before being broadcast? If nothing went wrong, I believe people around the world would definitely have a good giggle.

Unfortunately, this prank call went really wrong and is no laughing matter. Not only it cost a life, but also imprinted horrific memory on the mind of the people who loved the victim.

Every individual behaves and responds differently under certain circumstance. Obviously this was not an expected outcome. Since the unforeseeable did happen, one has to take critical self introspection.

Kevin Rudd cuts himself shaving then shares it on twitter

Posted to Herald Sun (10/7/2013) on 10/7/2013 at 12:25 PM (not published by Newspaper)
Commenting on "Kevin Rudd cuts himself shaving then shares it on twitter"

What a comedian or a smiling assassin! It's really funny to see the first PM in the world has a band aid stuck on his face. On the contrary, it is a good reminder what a sharp blade or dagger can do to one's face or back.

With no credibility in project and financial management during the past years, another 3 years in running the country by Kevin Rudd, we soon be printing funny money!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Kevin Rudd leads Tony Abbott as better prime minister, latest Newspoll reveals

Posted to Herald Sun (9/7/2013) on 9/7/2013 at 12:28 PM (Not published by Newspaper)
Commenting on "Kevin Rudd leads Tony Abbott as better prime minister, latest Newspoll reveals"

Sympathy does not necessarily translate to winning an election, but Kevin Rudd may make it.

Kevin Rudd dumped by Julia Gillard in a rather dramatic and ungraceful manner was viewed by many that Kevin Rudd was a victim, and treated his return to the prime ministership as something deserving.

For the past month, Kelvin Rudd has proven to be a good publicist, marketer, opportunist but a rather sore and resentful loser, lack the support of his former experienced peer in the caucus, who chose to resign rather than to sit in the same parliamentary chamber with him.

He is really good in saying sorry, but the word is far from meaningful if things just go wrong one after another. One sorry he will never have a chance to say is that the financial ruin the Labor government under him and former PM Julia Gillard that have dug.

Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd have no concept of financial management. The social reform policies have long term repercussion on a dwindling pool of taxpayers.

Tony Abbott needs to ask himself is, "Why am I not as likeable as Kevin Rudd?" Unless he rectifies all his negatives, a hung parliament may be the best case scenario in this election.

Can we finally declare 3D a dud?

Posted to The Age (9/7/2013) on 9/7/2013 at 10:49 AM
Commenting on "Can we finally declare 3D a dud?"

People suffering from colour blindness can only see shades of grey, not distinct colours. That does not mean TV programs or movies should stay in Black-and-white. Unless for nostalgic reason, many people will choose colour over black-and-white shows on TV or in cinema.

Certain technological introductions spread like wild fire, but others can only be classified as fad. No matter how big the 3D TV screen is, it can never be compared with that of a cinema. The visual sensation is different, and most importantly, the audio effect that adds the the excitement is absent in a home environment, even in a home theatre.

No doubt, the cost of 3D TV and accessories play a part in current economic situation. These are considered more at the luxury spectrum end, and throwing away existing very good conditioned TV sets dotted around a house can be heartbreaking.

Introduction of 3D programs is like an add-on, unlike that of colour in the 70's. When colour transmission was brought in, almost all the programs were in colours. This is not not so for 3D channels.

Use of 3D glasses may be inconvenient, but future Google glasses will prove otherwise. It is just a groundless psychological excuse.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

It’s trolling Ed Husic that is un-Australian

Posted to Herald Sun (2/7/2013) on 2/7/2013 at 8:24 PM
Commenting on "It’s trolling Ed Husic that is un-Australian"

The House of Representatives Practice (6th Edition) Chapter 5 on Swearing-in of Members under the heading of Affirmation states that "The oath of allegiance need not necessarily be made on the authorised version of the Bible, although this has been the common practice. A Member may recite the oath while holding another form of Christian holy book, or, in respect of a non-Christian faith, a book or work of such a nature. The essential requirement is that every Member taking an oath should take it in a manner which affects his or her conscience regardless of whether a holy book is used or not."

There is nothing un-Australian or unconstitutional about Ed Husic swears his allegiance to Australia using the Koran instead of the Bible. With today's technology, people making such comments including blog writers and talkback radio hosts can easily check out the facts on their computer before barking up the wrong tree, and showing their naivety. This is an incitement of religious disharmony and creates mistrust of law abiding citizens of Australia.

Beware one-man show: warning for Labor

Posted to The Age (2/7/2013) on 2/7/2013 at 12:23 PM
Commenting on "Beware one-man show: warning for Labor"

Liberal will win the next election, but Labor will put up a good contest under Kevin Rudd. The damage caused by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard will take time to heal.

For Australia's sake, Labor must not win the election, or else Australia will enter an era of financial crisis. Not unlike Julia Gillard, both spent money like no tomorrow.

Kevin Rudd is the 26th and 28th Prime Minister. In his previous PM life, he demonstrated that he was a workaholic which earned him the title Kevin 24/7 with a management style dreaded by his staff. In fact, the PM office had extremely high staff turnover.

Kevin Rudd is a good communicator, but then talk is cheap. He has many Twitter followers, and speaks Mandarin very fluently. His smiling baby face is likeable especially adored by seniors, but this is a facade of "hiding a knife behind the smiling face" (36 Stratagems).

Gonski funding model for schools seems like a fair system, but it will not fix the real problems. Billions of dollars will be misused by schools and principals, not dissimilar to some of the Labor government funded projects. The core problem must be tackled, and the education system must undergo a complete revamping from early childhood learning to tertiary education.

It is interesting to note that Penny Wong, former Finance Minister under the Gillard's government, has switched camp and landed in the position as the Leader of Senate. Penny Wong's survival is a very smart and strategic move by Kevin Rudd. Penny Wong is an Asian-born (Sabahian), lesbian female. She is the best tool for killing three birds (race, gay, gender) with one penny.

After-school care crisis hits working parents

Posted to The Age (2/7/2013) on 2/7/2013 at 11:48 AM
Commenting on "After-school care crisis hits working parents"

How amazing that the people's life-style and social behaviour have changed so dramatically that modern societies are fast becoming "she's right mate, someone will take care of them, mate!"

Life, including that of family life, is a compromise and sacrifice. Duties of parents are not just work to earn money and let others look after the offsprings, be it at a childcare centre or by nanny. At the other end of the spectrum, Granny dumping is fast becoming the norm, having put their aged parents to nursing homes and never to visit them again, or may be once in a blue moon.

Looking at a bigger picture, a person is unemployed because another person is occupying that position. There was a time, only one parent went to work and another stayed home to look after the children. Homes were not furnished excessively, no expensive private tuitions or overseas trips, because the wellbeing of the children was not centred on private schooling, luxurious items or entertainment toys.

Change of mindset can definitely help to overcome the lack of childcare facilities, and help to reduce some of the societal ills, such as intoxication and use of hard drugs. It does not matter who is staying at home to look after the children, whether the father or mother. The reward can outstrip the sacrifice.

The IQ mineral

Posted to The Age (2/7/2013) on 2/7/2013 at 10:58 AM
Commenting on "The IQ mineral"

What another load of nonsensical research! If the findings are dead correct, we should see geniuses being born in fishing villages everywhere around the world, or the Nobel Prize winner list should be dominated by the Japanese instead of European scientists born inland who are likely unfamiliar with Sushi, or don't eat much fish.

There are important facts we need to know about the Guinea pigs that take part in the experiments - their cultural background, body make up and educational level. The diets, nutrient absorption and knowledge influence on the babies will definitely affect the IQ of the children.

Every child is different. A more realistic way to prove this, but it is impossible to do so, is to test the same child twice, that is to get a child, after having its IQ tested, back to the mum's womb and try out a different diet with iodine or supplements. Years after birth, the child is tested for his IQ. That also presents a problem. The conditions of the mother, be it physical, financial, emotional, etc may have changed.

There are too many pressure-cook children, and helicopter parents. Just be sensible with the diets, and let the children enjoy their childhood without overly concerned about their IQ.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Penny Wong reveals why she betrayed Julia Gillard

Posted to Herald Sun (29/6/2013) on 29/6/2013 at 12:40 PM (not published by Newspaper)
Commenting on "Penny Wong reveals why she betrayed Julia Gillard"

It is interesting to note that Penny Wong, former Finance Minister under the Gillard's government, has switched camp and landed in the position as the Leader of Senate. Penny Wong's survival is a very smart and strategic move by Kevin Rudd. Penny Wong is an Asian-born (Sabahian), lesbian female. She is the best tool for killing three birds (race, gay, gender) with one penny.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Recycled Rudd: Will he be better the second time around?

Posted to CNN (27/6/2013) on 27/6/2013 at 11:10 PM
Commenting on "Recycled Rudd: Will he be better the second time around?"

Liberal will win the next election, but Labor will put up a good contest under Kevin Rudd. The damage caused by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard will take time to heal.

There are several unfilled key positions, but under Kevin Rudd's wing is a team of inexperienced Gen Y MP's, due to resignations of the Julia Gillard's supporters and those sacked by Julia Gillard who supported Kevin Rudd in the previous showdown.

For Australia's sake, Labor must not win the election, or else Australia will enter an era of financial crisis. Not unlike Julia Gillard, both spent money like no tomorrow.

Kevin Rudd is the 26th and 28th Prime Minister. In his previous PM life, he demonstrated that he was a workaholic which earned him the title Kevin 24/7 with a management style dreaded by his staff. In fact, the PM office had extremely high staff turnover.

Kevin Rudd is a good communicator, but then talk is cheap. He has many Twitter followers, and speaks Mandarin very fluently. His smiling baby face is likeable especially adored by seniors, but this is a facade of "hiding a knife behind the smiling face" (36 Stratagems).

Fixed carbon pricing may be the first item thrown out of Julia Gillard's window and replaced by emission trading scheme (ETS), a more unethical way to reduce carbon emission. This is one of the tactic known in the 36 stratagems as "kill with a borrowed knife".

Gonski funding model for schools seems like a fair system, but it will not fix the real problems. Billions of dollars will be misused by schools and principals, not dissimilar to some of the Labor government funded projects. The core problem must be tackled, and the education system must undergo a complete revamping from early childhood learning to tertiary education.

It is interesting to note that Penny Wong, former Finance Minister under the Gillard's government, has switched camp and landed in the position as the Leader of Senate. Penny Wong's survival is a very smart and strategic move by Kevin Rudd. Penny Wong is an Asian-born (Sabahian), lesbian female. She is the best tool for killing three birds (race, gay, gender) with one penny.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

After historic court rulings, what's next for gay rights movement?

Posted to CNN (26/6/2013) on 26/6/2013 at 11:33 PM
Commenting on "After historic court rulings, what's next for gay rights movement?"

I believe same gender marriage is NOT about equality or the right of individuals. Change of definition of the word marriage is not just a political matter, or legal matter. It affects the moral fibre, cultural, societal and family structures, which can be damaged beyond repair.

The argument to the nth degree will be marriage between siblings from the same biological parents, father with daughter or mother with son. To continue further with the argument, father with son, and mother with daughter. If a parent marries a child and the female bears a child, is the child the grandchild or the child of the senior partner?

Rules are human-made (just for political correctness) and morality is human-defined. Obviously, these can all be changed if so desire. The questions need to be asked are "should this be changed", "what can this lead to", and "where is the boundary".

Friday, 14 June 2013

Explicit emails a reminder some in army still don't get reform

Posted to The Age (14/6/2013) on 14/6/2013 at 12:17PM
Commenting on "Explicit emails a reminder some in army still don't get reform"

What is lacking in today's society is RESPECT. Many young children are not shown or taught to respect their own body, people including parents, properties, nature, etc. Use of foul language and unacceptable behaviour at home, in public or workplace, and over cyberspace are tolerated in the name of rights and free speech and expression.

There are many whingers who talk but do not take action. Some turn a deaf ear, and pretend not to hear the evil of human animalistic hooliganism. There remains the people who wear blinkers and refuse to open their eyes to face the reality of moral deterioration.

In the real natural world, from the lowest form of organisms to human beings, survival of the fittest rules. We cannot hide behind something or someone to protect us all the time. We need to defend ourselves. How did any one race become more superior than the others? Since when did male become exploiters and female being exploited, and why did these start?

Discrimination by race, gender, beliefs, etc, cannot be eradicated no matter how hard we try, because every individual is different and has own value. Collective protection is far from ideal when immediate action is needed to stop advancement from scums of the society.

Learn to defend and standup for yourself before things happen. If defeated, speak out or report to internal or external authorities.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Deep and meaningful

Posted to The Age (10/5/2013) on 17/5/2013 at 1:08 PM
Commenting on "Deep and meaningful"

Using the heat energy from high temperature rocks to generate power is no difference from burning coal, releasing the stored energy. The cool water is heated to form steam, which either enters the atmosphere or back to the ocean, and subsequently raising the global temperature. Moisture is in fact considered as a greenhouse gas, and whatever benefits gained from geothermal energy will be negated.

Like coal or oil, the energy from this high temperature rocks is not renewable. One possible way to have completely clean, cheap and renewal energy is to build mobile / rotatable structures out in the sea (not dissimilar to oil platforms). These structures are built with a combination of wind turbines, solar energy collection dishes and wave turbines.

Premier rules out short-term ticket U-turn

Posted to The Age (17/5/2013) on 17/5/2013 at 11:55 AM
Comment on "Premier rules out short-term ticket U-turn"

Train fares of several cities in the world are charged by station-to-station, just like Melbourne's good old days. However, this can be more expensive than the current zone system, similar to London's. There is always a price to pay for less population, because economy of scale is thrown out of the window.

Transport users keep complaining about Melbourne's inefficient public transport systems, but look at the following statistics and they will realise Melbourne Metropolitan very low population density is to be blamed for this. I have used trains, buses and trams (in Hong Kong only) in all the cities below. They are no worse than ours during peak time, and I can assure you, it is also a nightmare trying understand their ticketing systems.

Very often, trains and buses outside the CBD are virtually empty after the peak times. It is in fact cheaper to subsidise public transport users with concession taxi vouchers.

The following statistics are extracted from various official sites:
Melbourne Metropolitan – 9,990.5 km2, 4.1 million(p) (2011), 410/km2
London – 1,570 km2, 8.1 million(p) (2012), 5,159/km2
Tokyo Metro – 2,188 km2, 13million (p) (2011), 6,026/km2
Hong Kong – 1,104 km2, 7.1 million(p) (2011), 6,431/km2
Singapore – 710 km2, 5.3 million(p) (2012), 7,464/km2

I was a frequent public transport user but I do not work full time now. When I use the public transport now, I choose to travel prior to or just immediately after the rush hours. I have not encountered serious equipment breakdown that jeopardise my trips.

Do not just whinge, write to Myki and give them your feedback. If they do not know the precise problems, they cannot fix them.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Same sex marriage the culture war is over

Posted to The Age (26/4/2014) on 26/4/2013 at 2:12 PM
Commenting on "Same sex marriage the culture war is over"

Same gender marriage is the start of something horrific in human history and continuing civilisation. The redefinition of marriage, in the name of rights and equality, has very serious implication and will lead to the legalisation of father marrying his daughter, mother and son, father and son, mother and daughter, and between siblings of either gender from same parents. In these examples, the concern applies only to same biological parents or offspring.

New Zealand can make all the money they want if all those "couples" decide to go there and get married. Hopefully, they take up New Zealand citizenship and never to return to Australia. Australia does not follow many other countries' practices and culture; what so big deal about then not follow this New Zealand's unpalatable law?

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Home prices rising as rate cuts fuel confidence

Posted to The Age (2/4/2013) on 2/4/2013 at 3:37 PM
Commenting on "Home prices rising as rate cuts fuel confidence"

I posted a comment to the article "Feeling Weak" (The Age, 15/4/2012) with the starting sentence "I have written on many occasions, and still believe firmly that the real estate market will not see an upswing until March/April 2013". In fact, the original prediction was conveyed to a local paper as a Letter to Editor in 2010. It was not published.

There are several reasons for the rise, but what some readers said about the Chinese buyers are back is not one of them. These buyers are big time buyers, not in residential properties but large commercial, industrial and rural properties.

The new broom in China is a tough one. There will be a great outflow of money to many countries including Australia. The regime is more concerned about what is going to happen rather than what has happened. Those who have made millions or billions will need to channel the money out of China for safe keeping.

Many buyers have been waiting for house prices to slide further, and many more are saving up to pay for a larger deposit in future purchase. Shortage of buyers unfortunately backfires, and results in vendors not prepare to let go of their properties unless they face with financial disaster. There are not enough properties in the market for sale. According to the supply and demand theory, the property price will have to go up. Low interest rate, willingness for bank to lend money again, and buyers' patience starting to run out are contributory factors for the rise.

Just words of advice - those who can afford to buy when interest rate is high are winners. Those who buy when interest rate is low will be doomed if they have no reserved fund.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Farewell to good times, something's gotta give

Posted to The Age (24/3/2013) on 24/4/2013 at 9:25 AM
Commenting on "Farewell to good times, something's gotta give"

Debt is NOT good if it has to be repaid by another form of debt. If debt is spent on expenses for non-income production or items with no capital or financial growth, the borrower is doomed for painful death.

Labor has time and again failed us and squandered all the money saved up for rainy days. Many ordinary Australians have learnt lessons from the GFC that they must not spend beyond their means, and banks are piling up with savings from depositors.

If we continue to bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich (or Australian emu) believing that this is a lucky country, a term coined by Dorna Horne, we are total idiots. In fact, Donald Horne wrote "Australia is a lucky country, run by second-rate people who share its luck".

A lot of prime rural land, and prestige development sites (with or without buildings) have been sold as freehold to foreigners. What this means is that Australia is occupied by foreigners without invasion or bloodshed. Instead of holding a trump card of owning productive farmland supplying food globally, we shall be dictated by foreigners.

What do we do with all the refugees locked up somewhere in far-away land? Shouldn't they be trained or utilized to develop the place they are living in, or even turn it into a tourist destination?

Our education system is up the Khyber. Buildings, furniture, sports facilities are not factors that produce top students, or equip the students with knowledge to become better citizens and leaders. The system fails because the way education being delivered is wrong, and needs to be revamped. The experts overestimate the capability of many, and hold back many good ones too.