
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Don't get stung by tax myths

Posted to (30/5/2011) on 31/5/2011 at 2:32 AM
Commenting on "Don't get stung by tax myths"

This is one of the best articles I have ever read.

I would like to add that property investors have to realise if they buy the property when the market is low and you can get a good capital gain in future, then they are smart. If they buy it at the peak and the interest rate is on the rise, then the maintenance or owner’s corporation, land tax, rates and charges will swallow up the rental income resulting in negative return.

One must not expect 100% rental occupancy for the property; otherwise the bank manager will not be happy when they do not receive repayment on time.

In regards to negative gearing, put in simple language, every successful company or business wants to have a healthy income statement or balance sheet; making a loss to offset tax payment just defies good business practice!

Due to privacy legal reasons, no one really knows how many property auctions in recent times are mortgagee auctions, and how many real estate agents are honest enough to tell you have just bought an over-priced property! What is happening now is just history repeating itself.

Just be careful property investors, there are many traps out there!

Read more:

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Musharraf: Obama is arrogant

Posted to CNN (27/5/2011) on 29/5/2011 at 1:06 AM
Commenting on “Musharraf: Obama is arrogant”

I'm definitely NOT sympathetic towards any terrorists or anyone who takes human lives cold-bloodedly. The way the mission was conducted was a violation of Pakistan’s sovereign right. If that could take place in Pakistan, it can happen to any other country in the future. It defeats the purpose of having national constitution, law and order.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Cold day for a SlutWalk

Posted to The Australian (28/5/2011) on 28/5/2011 at 8:13 PM
Commenting on "Cold day for a SlutWalk"

If a man sees a female with a beautiful body wearing low cut, or a woman sees a man with a six-pack physique wearing his buggy smuggler, and yet does not go boom-bang-a-bang, we are talking about people with biological and sexual problems. This should be a natural response, and has nothing to do with perversive behaviour.

However, there is a fine line one must not cross over, and that line is defined by human for human and is known as morality.

Despite the best expert advice, we can’t stop obesity; despite the existence of United Nation, we can’t stop war; and therefore it is not unexpected that despite the declaration of fights against crimes, we can’t stop sexual assault.

Wearing provocative clothing will, whether one likes it or not, attract attention, even from the undesirable elements! It is just like what the doctor says, "Prevention is better than cure".

Friday, 27 May 2011

Bill Hunter dies of liver cancer

Posted to The Australian (27/5/2011) on 27/5/2011 at 1:32 AM
Commenting on “Larrikin actor Bill Hunter ended his life 'talking, drinking, laughing', memorial service is told”

Bill Hunter ended his life 'talking, drinking, laughing'. While the statement seems innocent, the crux of the matter is Bill dies of liver cancer very likely caused by his drinking. If this is the case, this statement should serve as a reminder for all alcohol drinkers that the ultimate price to pay for drinking is more than a life-long of talking and laughing, it is the painful suffering of liver cancer!

Young mums get more job perks

Posted to Herald Sun (27/5/2011) on 27/5/2011 at 12:32 AM
Commenting on “Young mums get more job perks”

It seems that female office workers are more demanding that the blue-collar female workers. Just a word of warning, China is the factory of the world today, but with advancement of technology, borderless and virtual workplace will soon make China the office of the world. If labour cost continues to rise to cover additional benefits, who will be employing all these young mothers if they are asking for more and more? Does not this sound like the unionists' demand in the 60's to early 90's? Remember, besides Fair Work Act, there are other acts in place, such as Equal Opportunity Act (childless mother, men), OHS Act (breastfeeding, taking babies to workplace), etc.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

China admits Three Gorges Dam has 'urgent problems' as drought persists

Posted to CNN (25/5/2011) on 26/5/2011 at 10:31 PM
Commenting on “China admits Three Gorges Dam has 'urgent problems' as drought persists”

Back in 8 November 2006, David Dreverman, head of the Murray-Darling river basin commission (Australia), said: "This is more typical of a one in a 1,000-year drought, or possibly even drier, than it is of a one in 100-year event." In 9 January 2011, South Australian water broker Waterfind said that "Historic odds indicate 2011 will also be a year of high rainfall within the basin as there has only been one time in the past 110 years".

It is unfortunate that the people living downstream of Yangtze River are experiencing hardship, but I doubt very much this is contributed by the Three Gorges Dam Project. In four years time, everyone will be celebrating when rain falls heavily again, and the people will be spared from flood and drowning, and the dam will go down in history as one of the greenest development of mankind.

FIFA rocked by fresh bribery allegations

Posted to CNN (25/5/2011) on 26/5/2011 at 9:26 PM
Commenting on “FIFA rocked by fresh bribery allegations”

After watching Qatar's presentation for hosting 2022 FIFA World Cup bid, you will agree that with or without any bribe allegation, Qatar deserves to win. Great presentation! BTW, I'm from Australia, and we got only 1 miserable vote!

Danish law makes unhappy little Vegemite - so said Princess Mary

Posted to Adelaide Now (26/5/2011) on 26/5/2011 at 8:51 PM
Commenting on “Vegemite fails to get approval in Denmark because of added vitamins”

Posted to The Age (26/5/2011) on 27/5/2011 at 2:20 AM
Commenting on "Happy little Vegemites? Not in the royal palace”

Some varieties of bread, especially boutique ones are fortified. So even with Vegemite, there is no bread to spread on! BTW, does Princess Mary eat Vegemite?

Give us a break to breastfeed

Posted to Daily Mail (26/5/2011) on 26/5/2011 at 12:40 AM
Commenting on “Give us a break, new mums tell bosses”

Imagine a female pilot takes a baby to work in the cockpit, or female police in a high speed pursuit decides to have a break to breastfeed the baby. For goodness sake, public breastfeeding and public urination are not different - sometimes one just can't wait; but that does not mean that anyone can do anything in the name of freedom of action or freedom of expression (oops)!

Posted to Daily Mail (26/5/2011) on 26/5/2011 at 9:51 AM

Don't compare breastfeeding in Dubai and Qatar, they also have 5 other breaks for religious practices, too. There is no place for breastfeeding, and personal, religious beliefs or multicultural practices in public or workplaces.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Seventeen lost pyramids pinpointed

Posted to Daily Mail (25/5/2011) on 25/5/2011 at 11:17 PM
Commenting on “Seventeen lost pyramids among thousands of buried Egyptian settlements pinpointed by infrared satellite images”

LEGO was invented by the Egyptians!

Climate change cocktail

Posted to Monash Weekly (28/2/2011) on 25/5/2011 at 4:33 PM
Commenting on " New-look carbon fix makes Abbott a man of steel"

Anyone remembers Target 155 during water restriction period? There was no tax imposed on the public, even when someone used above the target; and yet people were chipping in to make this Target campaign a success. Why can't we do this for carbon dioxide emission reduction?

CFC is suppose to destroy the ozone layer making ozone hole bigger and allowing more UV ray to reach the Earth surface causing skin cancer. There was not a tax on CFC and yet the blanket ban of CFC use worked.

Furthermore commonsense tells us that carbon tax will not help to cool the Earth, only global cooling technology can do the job.

We cannot fight the power of the Sun, Earth and Mother Nature. We have to accept the fact the temperatures will rise with time, and we must learn to adapt to the environmental changes.

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and another real culprit can be reduced without causing pain and suffering to the Australian hip-pocket-nerves.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Self-cleaning toilets have not been invented yet

Posted to Herald Sun (24/5/2011) on 24/5/2011 at 1:34 PM
Commenting on "Photos of Footscray Western Hospital ward spark inquiry"

There are no dirty hospitals. There are only dirty patients or visitors and users with no civic consciousness. Did the person who vomited in the men's toilet inform any staff after the incident? Did anyone using the toilet after the person had vomited inform any staff about the condition of the toilet? To all the whingers, do not be apathetic and indifferent. Self-cleaning toilets have not been invented yet!

Planking photo that started strife

Posted to Adelaide Now (23/5/2001) on 24/5/2011 at 1:07 AM
Commenting on "Planking photo that started strife"

School is a public place, and therefore the school principal has every right to send the girls home for misconduct - for the simple fact that the purpose of the stairs is not for planking. It is no difference if a student were to urinate in a canteen, or scream in a classroom. The students concerned may think that it is a matter of fun, but they forget to "do the right thing, at the right place and at the right time". Anyone supporting such behaviour is in fact supporting hooliganism, binge drinking, harassment, etc. because the social misfits are doing these for "fun".

Monday, 23 May 2011

Malcolm Turnbull admits that he still wants to lead the Coalition

Posted to Herald Sun (23/5/2011) on 23/5/2011 at 2:34 PM (Not published)
Commenting on “Malcolm Turnbull admits that he still wants to lead the Coalition”

This is a political suicide for Malcolm Turnbull for the so-called telling the truth. The truth is in the Australia political system, if the major Party cannot win an election, that Party will not be able to form the Government on its own, or like the Labor, will have to suck up to the Greens in order to get things done.

Voters are looking for and looking up to a strong united and cohesive party, whether as the government or opposition. Turnbull's arrogance will backfire and may cause Liberal's chance to win the next election. Tony Abbott is riding high at the moment, especially on carbon tax issue. If Malcolm Turnbull can keep his trap shut for the time being, despite his different stance, Liberal can win government rather comfortably the next round, probably in sooner than 2 years according to my prediction.

If he continues to behave like a spoilt brat, Tony Abbott will have no choice but to dump him from the Shadow Ministry in the name of party sustainability.

Labor carbon policies are impractical and will turn Australia into one of the most expensive and unaffordable country to live in. It is pointless to have the cleanest planet if no one can enjoy it, or afford to enjoy it!

Climate change is critical

Posted to Herald Sun (23/5/2011) on 23/5/2011 at 1:55 AM
Commenting on “Climate change is now critical, says the Climate Commission”

Each year 4 quintillion Joules (4 x 10 to the power of 18 Joules) of solar energy reaches the Earth, but only 300 trillion Joules (3 x 10 to the power 14 Joules) are consumed by the world's population. There is plenty of energy left to warm the Earth. No wonder "the atmosphere is warming, the ocean is warming, ice is being lost from glaciers and ice caps, and sea levels are rising."

Make carbon tax hurt, Julia Gillard advised

Posted to The Australian (23/5/2011) on 23/5/2011 at 1:28 AM (Not published)
Commenting on “Make carbon tax hurt, Julia Gillard advised”

I challenge Julia Gillard and all those climate scientists to give me an answer to this very simple question - where does the excess heat from the Sun that is not used up each day go to? This is so fundamental and yet these idiots can only come up with the most ridiculous argument that the heat is trapped by greenhouse gases which melt the ice.

The culprit causing global warming is the Sun, and greenhouse gases play an insignificant role in aggravating the process. Even without greenhouse gases, heat absorbed at the lower atmosphere level and by the oceans cannot dissipate fast enough to the almost-freezing upper atmosphere, unless the Earth rotation is slowed down so as to increase the duration of night for more heat to escape.

The melting ice cannot be reversed unless Earth’s temperature drops to sub-zero, which means the Earth has to experience another Ice Age. In short, Julia Gillard and the idiotic scientists expect us to freeze to death so that new icebergs can be formed again. During the new Ice Age, no one is allowed to turn on heaters, because that will increase the air temperature!

Increasing taxes set off a chain reaction in increasing prices of other consumer goods, utilities and other commodities. We can expect more closures of factories and even education institutions, increase in bankruptcies, unemployment, life-style stress, mental illness, homelessness and social unrest. What is the point of having a clean planet if ordinary people cannot enjoy, or in the worst case, without any human around to enjoy?

Julia Gillard must be the love child of Pinocchio and the big bad red-hair wolf which ate Red Riding Hood’s grandma!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

New push seeks to outlaw cigarettes

Posted to The Age (22/5/2011) on 22/5/2011 at 12:17 PM
Commenting on “Now butt out: new push seeks to outlaw cigarettes”

I do not smoke and do not like to stand close to smokers whose hair, clothing and body are smelly and stinking. I do not like to see large tobacco companies making money out of misery of smoking addicts, too. After all being said, I totally disagree with the bleeding hearts, health sympathisers and hypocrites wanting to outlaw cigarettes and implement plain packaging.

To outlaw cigarettes will see the dawning of Australia becoming a Big Brother country - freedom to choose, freedom of expression and freedom to advertise will become things of the past.

Smokers’ right have been striped slowly and surely to point that they cannot smoke in public open and confined spaces. They do look very pitiful standing outside buildings, especially on cold, wintry days puffing away. It may be the smokers’ choice, but the society abandons them like lepers. How much of the tax collected by the government has been used to help or educate the smoking addicts? Scary pictures on cigarette packets or television screens do not deter people from giving up or taking up this product. How about some famous celebrities giving a helping hand, like what they have done to promote cancer awareness?

If people are fair dinkum about the wellbeing of the human race, why are alcohol and gambling not outlawed? Alcohol and gambling not only create physical harm, ill-health and even death to many individuals, but also physical and psychological abuses to people that are closed to them. These are a lot more evil than cigarettes and smoking.

Smoking is an addiction, so are alcohol drinking and gambling. Governments are quite happy to allow all these to be sold in the market place openly. If cigarettes are to be outlawed, so must alcohol and gambling.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Plankers tell of being sacked or suspended

Posted to Herald Sun (20/5/2011) at 20/5/2011 at 11:54 AM
Commenting on "Plankers tell of being sacked, suspended"

For those bleeding hearts, if you mates, children or parents are the injured or death victims of planking, you will change your mind that planking is more than just fun. There are idiots that plank on railway tracks and busy roads. Not only the idiots will get injured, they can cause immense casualty to the occupants in the trains or cars.
Part 1 of 3

Posted to Herald Sun (20/5/2011) at 20/5/2011 at 11:55 AM
There is every reason why employees planking at workplace should be sacked. Under the OHS Acts, "all workers have a duty of care to ensure that they work in a manner that is not harmful to their own health and safety and the health and safety of others". If plankers are not sacked, and got injured during planking at workplace, I can bet my bottom dollars that they will sue the company for unsafe workplace for staff recreation. One must also note that a workplace can be an aircraft cockpit. Will you accept to let the pilot to plank while flying the plane, or the air hostess to do it for fun?
Part 2 of 3

Posted to Herald Sun (20/5/2011) at 20/5/2011 at 11:55 AM
The most disgusting thing that have been happening is that well-known radio and television presenters have somehow join the bandwagon, intentionally or unintentionally, promoting such socially irresponsible, idiotic pastime. They should be ashamed of what they have done, and make a public apology for their less than mindless "endorsement".
Part 3 of 3

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Malcolm Turnbull's climate policy is a sad case

Posted to Herald Sun (19/5/2011) on 19/5/2011 at 10:49 PM (Not published)
Commenting on “Malcolm Turnbull admits that he still wants to lead the Coalition”

Carbon tax does not do anything to cool the Earth. It only makes the temperature of hardworking Australians go up to warm the Earth further.

Commonsense tells us that to counteract any warming, we need cooling or heat absorption. Swapping coal-fired power generation plants with solar or wind-driven ones only slows down the warming process negligibly, because the carbon dioxide discharge is so small percentage wise. Every year, bush fires and volcanic eruptions release more greenhouse pollutants than existing power plants.

It is so obvious that the Sun energy poured onto our planet everyday is not used up, and the excess is causing the warming of the atmosphere and the oceans.

Implementing carbon tax is going set up an economic chain reaction, more disastrous than any nuclear explosion. Besides increase in domestic electricity bills, all industries relying on electricity will be affected, and the cost will be passed on to the consumers.

Unfortunately carbon storage is not a feasible solution. A plausible answer is to grow high carbohydrate plants which act as carbon sink and help solve starvation. Anyone supporting Gillard, her goons, and shit stirrer Turnbull are wearing blinkers.

Planking - practice makes perfect!

Posted to Facebook on 17/5/2011 at 5:20 PM
Posted to Herald Sun (19/5/2011) on 18/5/2011 at 10:53 PM

Commenting on "Simon Hallam in coma after accident, but police rule out planking"
Planking - the craze of today. It is the top item in a bucket list.

Choose the most comfortable position and the most exciting place to practise. Without practice, you won't be able to write in your will how you want to be placed in your coffin when you kick the bucket or fall from the 7th floor like the pioneer from Queensland.

Don't wait, do it now. Practice makes perfect!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Egyptian Saif al-Adel named new al-Qaida leader

Posted to Adelaide Now (18/5/2011) on 18/5/2011 at 1:46 PM
Commenting on “Egyptian Saif al-Adel named new al-Qaida leader”

Why did killing start? When will killing end?

For goodness sake, do not glorify killing and death. It does not matter whether the deceased is a civilian, soldier or terrorist; their loved ones will miss them dearly. We are humans; we are supposed to be different from lower form of animals in that we have emotions.

I call upon leaders of the world to bring peace not war upon us, and make a pledge to the citizens of planet Earth - "Yes we can!"

This message was also sent to President Obama via his FB on National Small Business Week entry

Brave teenager climbs down cliff and leaps into sea to rescue stricken diver

Posted to Daily Mail (17/5/2011) on 18/5/2011 at 2:12 AM
Commenting on “Brave teenager, 13, climbs down cliff and leaps into sea to rescue stricken diver”

If the diver had £1000 on him, he would probably have given that to Ryan. £10 was a token of appreciation, and should never be considered as a reward!

Ryan, you've done good. The world needs a few more innocent and brave Ryan!

Debt spiral looming for Australians

Posted to Herald Sun (18/5/2011) on 18/5/2011 at 1:53 AM
Commenting on "Debt spiral looming for Australians"

Australia is definitely heading towards a recession. The truth lies in the trilogy of negative demand - real properties, cars and household items.

In recent months, the supply of properties in the market has increased, but there are many people who cannot afford to buy. They have neither the earning capacity to convince the bank to lend them money, nor the ability to repay after the initial down payment. Renovation market has also slowed down.

Car is the largest personal asset item. Car sales have also slumped, and compounding the problem is the increasing petrol prices which turn away potential buyers from buying bigger cars or 4-wheel drives.

David Jones, Myers and JB HiFi are reporting slow sales for the past few months. This is the third and critical negative demand that puts the nail in the economy coffin.

Glenn Stevens and his RBA team are just not good enough to come up with inaccurate forecasts month after month. Sitting in the boardroom, looking at graphs on computer and talking with big businesses and then come up with the economic rationale to increase interest rate is unacceptable. Not all Australians are miners, and not all 95% employed are full-time workers!

Call for taxpayers to fund Muslim schools

Posted to Adelaide Now (18/5/2011) on 18/5/2011 at 12:51 AM
Commenting on "Call for taxpayers to fund Muslim schools"

"Give a beggar a gold coin, he will ask for a second one" - Lee Kwan Yew, former Singapore Prime Minister

"Give Julia Gillard a queue jumper, she will ask for 5 refugees" - Sin Fong, present Adelaide Now reader

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

When should kids make decisions?

Posted to Herald Sun (16/5/2011) on 16/5/2011 at 1: 18 PM
Commenting on “When should kids make decisions?”

No wonder problem gambling is such a prevalent problem - read Dean of Melbourne's comment you will understand why.

Every child is different, and any published expert opinion should be taken with caution. There are so many other influencing and determining factors. In the first place who is the judge or arbiter about the decisions by a child? A closer look at the society today, one wonders whether many are fit to be parents or decent human being, let alone allowed them to bring up children. The latest case in America about a mother applying Botox to her child at the age 8 proves the point that some parents can make wrong decisions.

Decision is a process and requires knowledge, information and a dose of intuition. The modern way of teaching and bringing up children is debatable in the sense that the children are over congested with care-free and ill-founded believes. Too much emphasis has been placed on bringing up street-smart kids instead of preparing them with basic literacy and numeracy skills – the foundation to acquire further knowledge upon which analytical skill can be developed.

The age for a child to make decisions is arbitrary and after all it is dependent what the decision is.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Carbon tax to hurt more than ETS

Posted to The Australian (16/5/2011) on 16/5/2011 at 6:50 AM
Commenting on “Carbon tax to hurt more than ETS, warns energy sector”

It is sad that so much time and effort have been spent in talking about ETS and carbon tax that nothing really constructive has been done in nation building. Since Kevin Rudd came to power, one policy after another failed miserably leading to huge financial losses. So what he rectified the Kyoto Protocol, did other countries pay much attention to it? Let's look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; many countries are experiencing natural disasters, and they really want to keep their people fed, and housed. Australia is facing the same problem, and billions of dollars are needed to restore the many lives to normality.

Many large Tsunamis happened in Japan long before Industrial Revolution. Pompeii was destroyed by fire and Atlantis sunk to the bottom of the ocean. These destructions were inevitable because human beings just cannot tame our planet Earth and Mother Nature. Carbon tax is no panacea, and Julia Gillard is no saviour.

Asylum seekers pretending to be teenagers for faster processing

Posted to Herald Sun (16/5/2011) at 16/5/2011 at 12:58 AM
Commenting on “Asylum seekers pretending to be teenagers for faster processing”

Get real Pamela Curr, what a load of hogwash. We might as well send out radio signals to outer space and invite aliens to live in Australia! All the bleeding hearts, why don't you let them live in your own homes!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

56-year-old Dickinson's raunchy outfit leaves VERY little to the imagination

Posted to Daily Mail (15/5/2011) on 15/5/2011 at 11:11 PM (Not published)
Commenting on “Isn't it time to dress your age Janice? 56-year-old Dickinson's raunchy outfit leaves VERY little to the imagination”

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder! If she feels good to dress that way, good on her. At least she has more guts than many people! Life is too short to bitch about, let's live life to fullest!

Miranda Kerr set to return to Australia for David Jones in retail war

Posted to Herald Sun (15/5/2011) on 15/5/2011 at 2:08 PM (Not published)
Commenting on “Miranda Kerr set to return to Australia for David Jones in retail war”

David Jones has recalled its biggest asset Miranda Kerr. If the consumers are not careful with their spending, the banks will be recalling the loan by auctioning the mortgagors’ biggest assets - their houses!

Thailand 'interested' in asylum seeker swap deal with Australia

Posted to Herald Sun (15/5/2011) on 15/5/2011 at 12:31 PM
Commenting on “Thailand 'interested' in asylum seeker swap deal with Australia”

Everyone country under the sun will be sending refugees to Australia and wait to claim a reward! Our Kiwi friends, easy money can be made here, what are you waiting for?

Posted to Herald Sun (15/5/2011) on 15/5/2011 at 4:28 PM
With such great deal, which country does not want a slice of action?

Crown land 'sale' to boost Budget

Posted to Adelaide Now (15/5/2011) on 15/5/2011 at 3:45 AM
Commenting on “Crown land 'sale' to boost Budget”

Can you guess who will be buying the land?

Although this piece of land is small, please keep my advice in mind. Selling huge areas of land, particularly rural land, to foreigners without sunset clauses on land ownership is not the smartest way to run Australia! God save Australia - foreigners can occupy our Crown land and hence this country without opening any friendly fire!

Tim Mathieson reveals he wants partner and Prime Minister Julia Gillard to be his wife

Posted to Adelaide Now (15/5/2011) on 15/5/2011 at 3:30 AM
Commenting on “Tim Mathieson reveals he wants partner and Prime Minister Julia Gillard to be his wife”

Australian parliamentary system is funny. There is a Shadow Ministry with shadow ministers matching each ministerial position. However, there are no Shadow Prime Minister and Shadow Deputy Prime Minister.

Things will change soon. Tim Mathieson will become the Shadow of the Prime Minister. Poor Tim, I can imagine him saying at the altar, "with this ring I thee wept"

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Wonder Woman remake turned down by NBC after bosses 'unimpressed by pilot and costume'

Posted to Daily Mail (13/5/2011) on 14/5/2011 at 8:54 PM
Commenting on “Wonder Woman remake turned down by NBC after bosses 'unimpressed by pilot and costume'”

The consume design is more suited for girls working in the red light district! Image of Wonder Woman lives on, so must the original consume design!

Posted to Daily Mail (13/5/2011) on 14/5/2011 at 9:59 PM

Just finished watching Fantastic 4 on TV in Melbourne. That brings back great memory. The costume worn by the Fantastic 4 is just the same as depicted in the comic.

Lettuce boat is held together with leaves instead of dough

Posted to Daily Mail (13/5/2011) on 15/5/2011 at 4:08 AM (Not published - submitted 3 times)
Commenting on “Lettuce boat is held together with leaves instead of dough"

Chinese have been enjoying Xang Choi Bao (sang-choi-bao) for generations. Xang Choi means lettuce, Bao means parcel.

The shaped-outer leaves of ice lettuce are used to hold minced fillings consisting pork or diced roast pork (Char Siew), diced Chinese sausage, diced water chestnut, etc.

Check out this recipe from one of the famous Chefs in Melbourne, Neil Perry

I have many comments published by the same newspaper, except this comment - three times unsuccessful. I wonder why!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Federal Budget 2011 - Swan's blueprint for surplus

Posted to Adelaide Now (11/5/2011) on 11/5/2011 at 1:07 AM
Commenting on “Federal Budget 2011 - Swan's blueprint for surplus”

Does it mean that people like me mature-age person need to be retrained to work in mining towns in Western Australia or Queensland, go under the house to fix plumbing or up the roof top to install solar panels? I am well-trained, with post-graduate degree and other qualifications, more than qualified to train the untrained, and yet I find myself unemployed.

I had been a sessional TAFE and VET trainer for 15 years, until the international education bubble burst when the government changed policy. More than half of the international students choose not to come to Australia anymore, and therefore, many trainers like me are unemployed.

Life as a sessional teacher is very tough. We are hard working people, and no dole-bludgers. Each term, we queue up, not at Centrelink, but at the course coordinator office asking whether there is any work for us.

Budget 2011 Let's turn mining boom into job boom

Posted to Herald Sun (11/5/2011) on 11/5/2011 at 12:47 AM
Commenting on “Budget 2011: Let's turn mining boom into job boom, says Wayne Swan”

Does it mean that people like me mature-age person need to be retrained to work in mining towns in Western Australia or Queensland, go under the house to fix plumbing or up the roof top to install solar panels? I am well-trained, with post-graduate degree and other qualifications, more than qualified to train the untrained, and yet I find myself unemployed.

I had been a sessional TAFE and VET trainer for 15 years, until the international education bubble burst when the government changed policy. More than half of the international students choose not to come to Australia anymore, and therefore, many trainers like me are unemployed.

Life as a sessional teacher is very tough. We are hard working people, and no dole-bludgers. Each term, we queue up, not at Centrelink, but at the course coordinator office asking whether there is any work for us. I cannot speak on behalf of other trainers; yes, I do indirectly and crudely beg for work and therefore, money.

End 1 of 2

Posted to Herald Sun (11/5/2011) on 11/5/2011 at 1:02 AM

Creating 500000 jobs is pine in the sky; along the way probably more jobs are lost. Realistically the net number is probably negative or negligibly small. Do the politicians understand what training really entails? If this is Asia, where people have the right attitude to learn and want to be trained to excel rather than just be competent, training will be a breeze. Unfortunately, I find that the real success rate of people being trained and achieved proper outcome is far from satisfactory. After so many years in the training / education industry, I can only conclude that we are producing half-bake Rolls Royces instead of top quality T-Fords - it is still a long way to have "mass-produced" skilled workforce.

The mythical unemployment rate of around 5% is just pure nonsense. A person receiving payment for one hour during the survey period is considered as employed. In short, the real hidden unemployment rate should be at least 15% or more.

Many mature-age workers who have lost their jobs turn to running small businesses. Not that they are good at doing so, but they are not untitled to go on the dole queue, like the boat-people or welfare bludgers.

End of 2 of 2

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Cabinet told of Malaysia plan hours before launch

Posted to The Australian (9/5/2011) on 10/5/2011 at 12:10 AM (Not published)
Commenting on “Cabinet told of Malaysia plan hours before launch”

$296 million Australian Dollars is about 1 billion Malaysian Ringgits. Aren't we Australians generous? Only brainless idiotic Primary School Minister can think of such exchange.

Just imagine the scenario: provide 800 Malaysian holiday makers / legal boat people each with a cruise ticket to sail near Australia, put them on a few boats and pretend to be queue jumpers; intentionally allows the Australian government to treat them as illegal refugees, and then send them back by air to Malaysia on Australia expense.

Upon return to Malaysia, the Malaysian government will receive a golden handshake for a job well done. The so-called queue jumpers, for their effort helping the Malaysian government to make the profit, are placed at the front of the queue plus bonus. They probably have the greatest holiday in their lives - travel by sea in cruise ship, by boat in Australian water, then by plane back to Malaysia. Finally they become legal immigrants, welcome to take up citizenship in Australia, and receive social welfare and other benefits from the people you know very well - Us!

Stop whinging; vote me as you next Prime Minister. I can do a better job than this good for nothing.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Why June is too soon for an RBA rate rise

Posted to The Age (9/5/2011) on 9/5/2011 at 4:37 PM
Commenting on “Why June is too soon for an RBA rate rise”

Predictions by Glenn Stevens and his team at RBA are far from satisfactory. Either the economic models used or the way the results produced by the models have been interpreted need to undergo vigorous challenge.

The trilogy of negative demand, as I called it, is a signal for heading towards a recession. This may sound farfetched, naïve and ill-founded, but a rationalist will see the wisdom of this doomsday prediction. The trilogy of negative demands is real properties, cars and household goods including fashions. These three categories of items are in descending sequence in terms of average value. In recent months, we witness the trilogy of negative demands take place.

I have written in many blogs and newspaper comments about my predictions, a lot more accurate than what RBA has been predicting. Using dollar value as the key element in prediction is inadequate. The total quantity demand must be taken into consideration for normalisation.

CPI increase, unfortunately, always targets at increase in price which can be due to real reason and artificial manipulation. If quantity demand is increased, causing shortage of supply and thus pushing up the price, then there is room to call for increase in interest rate to dampen the demand. However, it is irrational to increase interest rate because electricity charges, water rates, local petrol prices have gone up, and that the quantity demand of these utilities or items is in fact unchanged or decreased. In short, the total dollar increases bear no relation to the demand curves.

Ban junk food ads in kids' TV time

Posted to Adelaide Now (8/5/2011) on 9/5/2011 at 2:59 AM
Commenting on "Ban junk food ads in kids' TV time"

I'm a taxpayer who is getting sick of fixing problems of people who keep blaming the society, the mass media, everyone except themselves about making their children taking drugs, speeding on the roads and killing innocent people, making them fat, etc.

In most cases, parents do have more contact hours with their children than outsiders. Why can't they look after the well-being of their children better? Don't they know how to use the switch on the power point? Its a matter of turning off the TV if the parents of the fat children don't want the children to know about the Golden Arch, or the old man trying to entice the kids to eat the chook?

Probably there are a lot of readers or audience out there, just like me, would like to spend their money on themselves rather than fixing problems of irresponsible people who keep blaming others for their misbehaviour and arrogance. If they do not fix their own problems, don't expect others to fix the problems for them - well, definitely from not me!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

VET needs funding upgrade

Posted to The Australian (4/5/2011) on 8/5/2011 at 12:12 PM
Commenting on “VET needs funding upgrade”>

Skills funding is going to be another humongous news on how service providers ripping-off the system. According to a source, this is already happening, with at least one provider signing off and issuing two to three thousand certificates in a year with hardly any students require attending a class, online or otherwise.

The funding model is a joke, too. Some programs are receiving both state and federal funding at the same time, which was once a cardinal sin known as double dipping.

The demise of international students coming to “study” makes some surviving service providers to become smarter by offering degree courses, in order to accommodate the so called “competent learners” to hang around longer. Hopefully the degrees, some of which are not worth the paper that is written on, will help to these desperate ones achieve their goal in getting permanent residency PR.

Computer technology creates bigger crooks in the education sector, and plagiarism is so widespread and getting more and more difficult to detect. One wonders how many “trained learners” who are deemed competent and become professional, are developing computer programs full of bugs which cost millions of dollars due to downtime or customers going to competitors; providing financial advices causing huge financial write-down of large institutions and livelihood ruin of ordinary mums and dads; building houses that crack or collapse with small earth movement, etc.

In the name of perceived cost saving and following the Jones’ trend, many service providers offer online courses. In reality online learning system is a false economy - it wastes more precious resource known as time, encourages slap-dash assessment and worst of all no one can tell who is really at the other end attending the course or doing the work!

No longer only the VCE examination solutions can be purchased from Victorian market, so the story goes, post graduate thesis are written by professional for a fee. Honest system only works well with honest people.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Julia Gillard has numeracy problem - The Malaysia solution on refugee exchange does not add up

Posted to Herald Sun (7/5/2011) on 7/5/2011 at 6:08 PM
Commenting on “The Malaysia solution”

Posted to Adelaide Now (9/5/2011) on 9/5/2011 at 2:51 AM
Commenting on “Refugee trade off strategy under fire”

Julia Gillard must be the most sadistic woman in Australia, if not in the world. She tortures us mentally almost everyday.

This latest move confirms that Juilia Gillard has numeracy problem and NOT fit to be the PM. She is an embarrassment!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Kate goes down the aisle again

Posted to Daily Mail (6/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 10:27 AM
Commenting on “Waitrose-y Katie goes down the aisle again - at the supermarket: Proves she has the common touch as she pushes her own trolley”-Waitrose-Anglesey-pushes-trolley.html

Posted to Sydney Morning Herald (6/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 11:31 AM
Commenting on “Kate goes down the aisle again ... pushing a trolley”

Posted to Adelaide Now (7/5/2011) on 7/5/2011 at 2:08 AM
Commenting on “Down-to-earth Duchess goes shopping”

Posted to Herald Sun (7/5/2011) on 7/5/2011 at 2:33 AM
Commenting on “Royal Kate's doing her homely bit”

Kate, your title might have changed to Princess Catherine, but your inner self should never. Respect others, and they'll do likewise. People around the world desire to look up to sincere and genuine people, and you have the quality to be one. Unfortunately, there are so many people experiencing pain and suffering physically and emotionally, the world turns topsy-turvy, you'll be the hope! My sincere wish that you'll live happily ever after with your prince charming, Prince William!

PS the photographers also need food on the table to feed hungry stomach, give them your best shot!

Princess Catherine goes down the aisle again

Posted to Daily Mail (6/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 10:27 AM
Commenting on “Waitrose-y Katie goes down the aisle again - at the supermarket: Proves she has the common touch as she pushes her own trolley”-Waitrose-Anglesey-pushes-trolley.html

Posted to Sydney Morning Herald (6/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 11:31 AM
Commenting on “Kate goes down the aisle again ... pushing a trolley”

Posted to Adelaide Now (7/5/2011) on 7/5/2011 at 2:08 AM
Commenting on “Down-to-earth Duchess goes shopping”

Posted to Herald Sun (7/5/2011) on 7/5/2011 at 2:33 AM
Commenting on “Royal Kate's doing her homely bit”

Kate, your title might have changed to Princess Catherine, but your inner self should never. Respect others, and they'll do likewise. People around the world desire to look up to sincere and genuine people, and you have the quality to be one. Unfortunately, there are so many people experiencing pain and suffering physically and emotionally, the world turns topsy-turvy, you'll be the hope! My sincere wish that you'll live happily ever after with your prince charming, Prince William!

PS the photographers also need food on the table to feed hungry stomach, give them your best shot!

American anger at 'arrogant' Europeans' muted reaction to Bin Laden killing

Posted to Daily Mail (5/5/2011) on 6/5/2011
Commenting on “'Cheese-eating surrender monkeys': American anger at 'arrogant' Europeans' muted reaction to Bin Laden killing”

Posted to Daily Mail (5/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 1:33 AM
Was it a coincidence that the President of the United States of America, British strongest ally, was not invited to the wedding of Prince William and Catherine, and that the mission to kill Bin Laden was conducted after the world’s grandest occasion? The British Monarch and the family along with millions of people around the world would be up in arms (not military one) if the death of Bin Laden were to overshadow the wedding ceremony and celebration.

Posted to Daily Mail (5/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 1:39 AM
How can we be sure that Bin Laden’s body is at the bottom of the sea, presumably consumed by some sea creatures? Is this just another mystery as intriguing as the Roswell aliens?

Posted to Daily Mail (5/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 1:40 AM (not published)
I'm definitely NOT sympathetic towards any terrorists or anyone who takes human lives cold-bloodedly. The way the mission was conducted was a violation of Pakistan’s sovereign right. If that could take place in Pakistan, it can happen to any other country in the future. It defeats the purpose of having national constitution, law and order.

Presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial. We have never heard authenticated recordings about his admission of his masterminding the 9/11 disaster. Now that he is dead, so the world has been told, there is no way to hear his confession in person, or prove each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt.

Posted to Daily Mail (5/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 1:41 AM (not published)
If bin Laden's daughter witnessed her father and mother being killed unarmed, do you expect them not to take revenge? So, when is the world going to have peace? If the Pakistani's sovereign right is violated, and it seems other countries experience the same, we can be next. Military people or secret agents going round shooting civilians unintentionally are just no difference from terrorists. Shoot and kill is not the act of civilised people.

Posted to Daily Mail (5/5/2011) on 6/5/2011 at 1:56 AM
I sincerely hope that peace is restored in countries where wars and fighting are still going on!
Let’s celebrate PEACE, not killing!
Thou shalt not kill ~ Exodus 20:13 - Deuteronomy 5:17
Don’t celebrate when your enemy falls, and don’t take pleasure in his demise. ~Proverbs 24:17

Thursday, 5 May 2011

David Stewart would have beat the hell out of Osama bin Laden, then shot him

Posted to Herald Sun (5/5/2011) on 5/5/2011 at 9:13 AM
Commenting on "I would have beat the hell out of Osama bin Laden, then shot him - David Stewart "

If bin Laden's daughter witnessed her father and mother being killed unarmed, do you expect them not to take revenge? So, when is the world going to have peace? If the Pakistani's sovereign right is violated, and it seems other countries experience the same, we can be next. Military people or secret agents going round shooting civilians unintentionally are just no difference from terrorists. Shoot and kill is not the act of civilised people.

Cut off the head - 1000 Osamas will rise in his place

Posted to Herald Sun (5/5/2011) on 5/5/2011 at 2:15 AM (not published)
Commenting on “Cut off the head - 1000 Osamas will rise in his place”

I'm definitely NOT sympathetic towards any terrorists or anyone who takes human lives cold-bloodedly. The way the mission was conducted was a violation of Pakistan’s sovereign right. If that could take place in Pakistan, it can happen to any other country in the future. It defeats the purpose of having national constitution, law and order.

Geoffrey Robertson QC a specialist in Commonwealth constitutional law, human rights, etc. was interviewed on television and he said that Osama should be brought to trial before a court of justice.

Presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial. We have never heard authenticated recordings about his admission of his masterminding the 9/11 disaster. Now that he is dead, so the world has been told, there is no way to hear his confession in person, or prove each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt.

David Hicks who was convicted on charges in 2001 of providing material support for terrorism but finally released on 29/12/07 should not have been prosecuted due to political interference in the case by the Bush administration in the United States and the Howard government in Australia.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Osama bin Laden's death is not time to party

Posted to Herald Sun (4/5/2011) on 4/5/2011 at 2:38 PM (not published)
Commenting on “Osama bin Laden's death is not time to party”

Was it a coincidence that the President of the United States of America, British strongest ally, was not invited to the wedding of Prince William and Catherine, and that the mission to kill Bin Laden was conducted after the world’s grandest occasion? The British Monarch and the family along with millions of people around the world would be up in arms (not military one) if the death of Bin Laden were to overshadow the wedding ceremony and celebration.

How can we be sure that Bin Laden’s body is at the bottom of the sea, or presumably has been consumed by some sea creatures? This is just another mystery as intriguing as the Roswell aliens.

Presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial. We have never heard authenticated recordings about his admission of his masterminding the 9/11 disaster. Now that he is dead, so the world has been told, there is no way to hear his confession in person, or prove each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt.

Closer to home, David Hicks who was convicted on charges in 2001 of providing material support for terrorism but finally released on 29 December 2007 should not have been prosecuted due to political interference in the case by the Bush administration in the United States and the Howard government in Australia.

1 May 2011 is a sad day for legal and judiciary systems for countries including Australia who celebrated Osama Bin Laden’s death.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Tony Abbott keeps Liberals ahead of Labor

Posted to The Australian (3/5/2011) on 3/5/2011 at 4:16 AM
Commenting on “Tony Abbott keeps Liberals ahead of Labor: Newspoll”

Well done, Tony for your effort. Carbon tax is NOT a goer, and you are right to campaign against it. Carbon tax does not solve global warming, because the sun energy will continue to heat up our planet with the introduction of carbon tax. However, your approach in burying the carbon dioxide is not a good idea, too. When carbon dioxide is formed, one carbon atom combines with two oxygen atoms. This is analogous to oxygen depletion. Locking up the carbon dioxide also means locking up oxygen.

I have better alternatives. One is grow more carbohydrate (polysaccharides) which can be used as carbon sink as well as food for millions of hungry people in the world when harvested. Large carbon emitters and the greenies will not object such proposal, and in fact the former will be seen as environmental friendly global citizens. It also makes their triple bottom line look good.

The second alternative is to dehumidify moisture in the atmosphere. Water vapour is a bigger greenhouse culprit, worse than carbon dioxide. Atmospheric dehumidification may one day become just as popular as collection of rain water.

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